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This might be the most important place for you, since we post here everything regarding our products. Follow our blog to be always up-to-date with new releases, promotions and other important announcements.

Your feedback is important to us. Please comment our postings to let us better understand your concerns.


Update - Cobalt v.7.9041 Stable

  • fixed - mechanism to set default category from category limit if category selector is turned off
  • added - joomla template overrides for field templates.
  • fixed - image field - json decode notice.
  • fixed - textarea field - javascript error of characters calculation

Big update for GEO field

  • added - individual map marked for every record.

You may put your custom marker to fields/geo/markers/custom/ folder and you will be able to set individual icon for every article. Of

100% of 1 votes

Votes: 1
Hits: 1173

Update - Cobalt v.7.8995

  • fixed - Article edit SEF url
  • fixed - field edit switch content type
  • fixed - not possible to turn off buttons on submission form.
  • fixed - field submission and view Emerald restriction
  • fixed - type submission and view Emerald restriction


  • added - field select default empty value for SQL source
  • fixed - geo field - filters
  • added - multiple level select labels goes through JText.
  • advanced - datetime field. Filter queries totally refactored to work quicker
100% of 1 votes

Votes: 1
Hits: 1130

Update - Cobalt v.7.8959 Stable

As you can see there are less and less fixes every week. And errors are less and less serious. And this is good. It means we have reached very stable phase. The point where you can reliably build with Cobalt.

  • fixed - potential bug with filter search
  • fixed - advanced table avatar/rating columns swap.
  • fixed - blog template pagination
  • fixed - geo field current location error.
  • fixed - tag display notice fixed - pack installer with files
  • fixed - translation of parameter slider
100% of 2 votes

Votes: 2
Hits: 1134

We are celebrating 10 000 hits on JED

Let's do some summary.

Cobalt on JED ![POPULAR][pop]

Only after few days on JED, Cobalt already got the "Popular" mark on [JED][6] and is still carrying it as a proof of increasing popularity.

Cobalt is doomed to be popular. Because it is so many that was invested into it. Not only time (9 month/5 people) and money was invested into this extension, more important is the experience in this field which led to this outstanding product. Several years of building CCK solutions combined

100% of 4 votes

Votes: 4
Hits: 1222

Update - Cobalt v.7.8937 Stable

Some new features as usual :)

  • added - UddeIm Integration
  • added - content prepare for category, section and type descriptions. It means that content plugins will be triggered on that text.
  • added - Joomla core style blog template
  • added - rating value in rating notification text

And small fixes

  • fixed - submission form buttons works according form
100% of 3 votes

Votes: 3
Hits: 1270

Update - Cobalt pack - Forum v.17 Beta

  • added priority and status configuration in forum articles template.
  • added priority and status columns in table when view tickets list.
  • added UddeIM integration
100% of 2 votes

Votes: 2
Hits: 1217

Update - Cobalt pack - Forum v.15 Beta

  • fixed user transfer during installation. Do not override same user name.
  • added last comments for category and record in the table.

Now it looks like complete in features. Of course unless you add new feature requests. I consider this as a Beta release. Although we almost have not gotten any error report. Wait another week and clame it stable :)

100% of 1 votes

Votes: 1
Hits: 1483

Release - Cobalt pack - Forum v.14 CP

The last Cobalt update was very important to start our Packs program. I know that everyone has been waiting for this moment. Our first Cobalt pack!

The first pack is a Forum with some advanced features. Please read description, see screenshots and watch our video. We installed also a forum-demo for you. It is absolutely

100% of 5 votes

Votes: 5
Hits: 1522

Update - Cobalt v.7.8874 Stable

We have been preparing Forum Pack for you. And it is ready. But packer was not working good enough for what we wanted to deliver. So we have reviewed packer and fixed some issues there.

  • added - packer - create menu (if not exists) for installing section and set itemid parameter automatically
  • added - pack name generation now includes build number
  • fixed - packer - installation script file permission and overrides
  • fixed - packer - create directories permissions fixed
  • fixed -
100% of 3 votes

Votes: 3
Hits: 1206

Update - Emerald v.8.8802 Stable

  • fixed - sql patch
  • fixed - save button in admin user subscription form
  • added - user filter by email in user subscription form (admin)
  • added - set tracking status in user subscription form
  • fixed - admin expire alert
  • fixed - tracking
100% of 2 votes

Votes: 2
Hits: 1148

Cobalt is getting Russian language files

Для всех наших Русских пользователей, для удобства установки мы собрали [установчный пакет русского языка для Кобальта][1].

Просим учесть что Русский перевод еще сыроват.

Хотя я могу поручится за его корректность, так как переводил все самостоятельно и как непосредственно один из разработчиков, будучи осведомлен что именно делают те или иные параметры, я смог их правильно фразировать. Иногда дословный перевод английского создал бы только еще больше вопросов что может это значить.


100% of 2 votes

Votes: 2
Hits: 2934

Update - Cobalt v.7.8799 Stable

More Optimisations

I have been waiting for this moment. Fortunately one of our very first client had big DB (80 000 records) with different relations. That helped us to optimise Cobalt a lot. But I knew that there may be problem with many categories. And I did not have a chance to test in real environment.

Recently we got one [client][1] with 3 000 of them. And he had 11s page load time. The query that caused this delay was 7.8s. By the end of the optimisation it was 0.019s.

100% of 2 votes

Votes: 2
Hits: 1199

Update - Cobalt v.7.8747 Stable

We are shifting our release day from every Friday to Every Thursday. It was sometimes disappointing to release right before weekends. If there is an error, people had to wait till monday.
Please make a backup before update. Read carefully and may be you will consider to wait next release.

This update is critical. We wanted to avoid something like that, but we have to change some things in Cobalt 7 to support backward compatibility later with Cobalt 8. There is a big change in all fields.

100% of 3 votes

Votes: 3
Hits: 1253

Release - Cobalt v.7.8684 Stable

  • fixed - censor replacer compatibility with new Joomla 2.5.6
  • fixed - Joomla! 1.6+ bugfix for "Can not build admin menus"
  • fixed - notification module produce fatal error
  • fixed - access to restricted items for moderators with enough right

Status field:

  • fixed - On add comment set status
  • fixed - Disable comments on status change to
  • fixed - change default status to - do not set anything (не учитывалось)

Textarea field:

  • fixed - long complicated markdown
100% of 3 votes

Votes: 3
Hits: 1274

Welcome Community Knowledge

We opened another section [Community Knowledge][1] driven by Cobalt.

It is intended to be the place where anyone can share his tips, tutorials and even code snippets with the rest of the Cobalt community. To make a start, i will post in the next days some tutorials there. I hope other Cobalt enthusiasts will follow and fill this section with valuable content to make it the ultimate source of information and documentation, accessible to everyone.


100% of 1 votes

Votes: 1
Hits: 1082

Release - Cobalt field - Video v.1.0 Beta

At last! Wouldn't you say?

This took long, but only because we put a lot of effort in it.

To tell you the truth, I wanted a perfect [video field][1] . I have been using the video field in Mighty Resources a lot. And I have been missing it for Cobalt already. I wanted to create a few video tutorials but first the field needed to be released. Now we can showcase it here with some tutorials.

Piece by piece we are building the new MintJoomla page fully powered by Cobalt 7.


95% of 3 votes

Votes: 3
Hits: 1252

Update - Cobalt v.7.8646 Stable

For this update do not forget to update media pack v 1.1
  • added - new SSI event to buyer on order created manually.
  • added - notifications date in the notifications list
  • added - section parameter date format
  • added - title length limit type parameter
  • fixed - section and category links Itemid consistency
  • changed - now individual notification users will receive even if not subscribed to an article.
  • fixed - SSI not save seller ID correctly.
  • fixed - infinite loop with Itemid
100% of 3 votes

Votes: 3
Hits: 1187

Notification system on our site

On Mighty Extensions I always started my day with What is going on link. And i believe may of you too have had found this link very useful.

But you all know that this functionality was powered by Mighty Touch. And I was worrying that I will miss it on MintJoomla because we do not plan to release anything like Touch and install anything like JomSocial.

When I was developing Cobalt notification system I did not think that it

100% of 1 votes

Votes: 1
Hits: 1216

Release - Cobalt module - Section statistics v.1.0 RC

New simple and free module. Shows number of records, authors, comments, views, bookmarks, ... in the given section. This module is a free download and will be included into the next Cobalt package.

100% of 1 votes

Votes: 1
Hits: 1188

Release - Cobalt field - Multiple level select v.1.0 RC

That took us sometime but we are finally releasing this long waiting field Multiple level select. The select relate field that we had in Mighty Resources was great. But it was also limited to some extend.

So we took all select relate shortcomings and created yet better field. The main advantages of this field on top of all features we had in select relate are:


100% of 1 votes

Votes: 1
Hits: 1372

Page 10 of 13 Results 181 - 200 of 243
Powered by Cobalt