Mighty Extensions for Joomla 1.5
Very popular extensions for Joomla 1.5 that we have proudly developed from 2007-2013.
Documentation is available here.
Please do not update!! Extensions update leads to all sort of prolems and we do not support anymore. If your site is working, just let it work and do not mess up with latest updates!!
Mighty Resources

CCK (content construction kit) extension for Joomla. Create everything that you can imagine.
Mighty Commerce

Multi-seller eCommerce shopping cart. Create B2B, B2C, C2C, Mall, personal e-shop, ...
Mighty Invoice

Invoicing/Billing solution. Can be used as payment gateway for any component.
Mighty Membership

Restrict any part of any site (component) to access on payment basis.
Mighty Message

Send private messages between users.
Mighty Registration

User manager. Extend registration form with additional fields.
Mighty Touch

Social Networking tool to create sites like MySpace, Facebook, Мой Мир, ...
Mighty Analytics

Display reports for different components in flash diagrams.
Mighty MassMail

Send newsletters to your users or some of your users.
Mighty Permission

URL-based ACL like component. Solve simple access tasks.
Mighty FileManager

Manage files in back-end.
Mighty Defender

Protect from flood, SQL and PHP injections.