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This might be the most important place for you, since we post here everything regarding our products. Follow our blog to be always up-to-date with new releases, promotions and other important announcements.

Your feedback is important to us. Please comment our postings to let us better understand your concerns.


Update - Cobalt v.7.8028 Beta

For this version we recommend to uninstall any preview, and then install Cobalt beta.

If you want to keep data you already created, then empty *administrator/components/com_cobalt/sql/uninstall.utf8.sql* file before uninstall. If you do this Cobalt will not delete tables when you will uninstall it.

Starting with this version you can start to build sites with Cobalt.


  • Fix all bugs repored on support desk
  • New feature "Packer". With this setup you will be able to
100% of 3 votes

Votes: 3
Hits: 1449

Site updates. New section and new solution.

We have started to use Cobalt on our own site. And it make sense, isn't it :). It is better to use by self what you offer to others. This experience also helps us to fix all tiny errors and bugs which are not easily discoverable.

We use Cobalt now in 2 places.

  1. This news section.
  2. New 3DP resources section
This Section

In this section we will post different article types.

  • This one called news to inform you
71% of 4 votes

Votes: 4
Hits: 1408

Cobalt 7 Preview update

We release final Cobalt 7 preview. Please welcome to download.

This release basically includes bug fixes and updates.

100% of 1 votes

Votes: 1
Hits: 1462

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