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Need your support!

Hello everybody!

The project and its authors had great difficulties (global financial crisis, sanctions, covid, midlife crisis). Now this is a one-man project and I just don't have the strength and motivation to take this big step and post a new version of Cobalt the way I want, and not just update for Joomla 4.

But I see that people still need Cobalt and Emerald! And without your help and participation, it will be very difficult for me to carry out my plans.

Therefore, now I want to

100% of 1 votes

Votes: 1
Hits: 1310

Joomla 4.0 was released!



A few days ago, Joomla 4.0 was released!

We are preparing a new version of the Cobalt 9 series. It will have the same rich functionality, but we decided to revise the administrator interface and make it more understandable and convenient for new users!

We have a lot of work to do and therefore we hope for your support in this difficult task!

We will also be working on Emerald and will

100% of 2 votes

Votes: 2
Hits: 2311

Migration to Joomla 4

Although it takes very long time for Joomla team, the day of Joomla 4 stable is approaching. Most probably the interest to Joomla was lost on a big scale, not only due to pure Joomla leadership, but also because of great technology shift toward SPA, PWA, SSR and mobile first applications. Joomla lags faaaaaaar behind. I think a lot of loyal Joomla users now try to learn new platforms to satisfy contemporary demands of new lifestyle market.

I am still think or whish to update Cobalt and

100% of 1 votes

Votes: 1
Hits: 2864

Cobalt 9 development news

Do not think Cobalt development is ignored again. I continue development.

As you all know I try to update Cobalt to BS4. This turned out to be quite a massive work. For example, today I was updating relation Child and Parent fields. Little insight, I've added detach function. As a result of updating these 2 fields to BS4, 65 files was changed. It is only for 2 fields. When I typed 65 files it does not sounds as much, but in reality it is a huge amount of files. It takes one hour just to open

90% of 3 votes

Votes: 3
Hits: 3223

Updates on Cobalt 9 development

It is a second Friday and thereу is no new release.

Some of you may think that development stagnated again. But I am writing this post for you to know that it is not.

At first, I was thinking that first I need to make all enhancements and refactors of logic, and then I change how Cobalt looks. But more I was working, more I understood that if I do not change UI framework now, later, I’ll have to redo everything that I consider now as done. For instance, I updated upload type fields with

100% of 4 votes

Votes: 4
Hits: 3174

Update - Cobalt v.9.81 Preview

Another week had gone! We did not stay and everyone who is active on the issues board knows it. What is new this week?

  • Fields templates now have parameters. That is not only open new possibilities for universal and complex field templates, but also makes fields much cleaner and there is less parameters initially. Another step toward usability and simplicity to use. Not all of fields are revised but some of them are already
100% of 2 votes

Votes: 2
Hits: 1553

Update - Cobalt v.9.73 Preview

New version of Cobalt 9. Week is over, lets break down what is done.

If I look to statistics almost 500 files were changed. A lot of work. We finally have a workable version without errors and notices that prevent you from trying Cobalt full potential.

Here is the list of things accomplished by this week:

Control Panel and Quick Start

One of the most significant is Cobalt CP (Control Panel) and Quick Start option. Now you can create new section, type, bind it together, create

100% of 4 votes

Votes: 4
Hits: 985

Cobalt 9 new beta release

I know, you all probably lost your faith that Cobalt 9 will ever happen. But it will.

Last week I was working on new Cobalt version and done a lot of code refactor.

  • All tags and list autocomplte are changed to new bootstrap-tags library
  • Import revised. Works much better with JSON.
  • All uploads fields are changed to use Flow library instead of mootools
  • Tools section revised. Now tools are part of cobalt not a plugin. File cleanup tool refactored.
  • A lot of other refactors and
100% of 3 votes

Votes: 3
Hits: 835

Update - Emerald v.9.482 Stable

In todays release of Emerald are changes for compatibility with Joomla 3.9. If you are not planing to create plan groups or coupons, you may skip this update.


  • change - check URL access now in system plugin.
  • add - Email alert action - add file attachment parameter and abilityto send email to subscriber.
  • fix - Emerald if protection message text is the same it will show only once.
  • improve - subscription flow
  • fix - emerald - plan expires before it's end date
  • fix -
100% of 1 votes

Votes: 1
Hits: 1250

Update - Cobalt v.8.767 Stable

For last few month Cobalt updated few times. This is a summary what was included in those updates.


  • fix - Catgory upnpublish
  • fix - admin style.
  • fix - error stric standard 2CO
  • add - cobalt api return record ID after creation or update of the record.
  • fix - update record API
  • fix - cobalt - comments not ppublished
  • fix - email field required text field.
  • fix - disqus https
  • fix - bookmarks own text
  • change - tags style
  • fix - Cobalt tags module.
  • add -
100% of 2 votes

Votes: 2
Hits: 1220

Update - Emerald v.10.103 Stable

New version of Emerald 10.103

This version contain some very important fixes, update is recommended.

Noticeable updates

  • Field Serial - this field allow to sel serial numbers. You enter list of serial numbers into textarea field. Emerald will detach one number for every new successful subscription. It will also send it by email to subscriber with a text you set. And show this number in subscription history.

  • Field Date - this field will allow user to select for how

100% of 1 votes

Votes: 1
Hits: 2255

Joomla 4 is coming!

Dear firend,

Joomla 4 is coming. Although it is to early to start migration, it is about time to play with it. There are a lot of things I am disappointed and even angry about Joomla 4, but who am I to judge, right?

Any way, although it took me a while to create valid installation package, I have been able to create one for Emerald extension. Of course finally Bootstrap was updated. Too late, but at least. So Emerald had an ugly look. It did not take long to refactor administrator part

100% of 2 votes

Votes: 2
Hits: 2146

Update - Cobalt v.8.458 Stable

New version of Cobalt.


Most noticeable updated is new Tools architecture. Now every tool is a simple folder with few files, so it is much easier to code your own tools. Please read tutorial.

I've also added 2 tools.

  1. Price update - This tool change one filed based on the other. This field accept only JSON files, so fist convert any CSV to JSON with any of free online tools. For ecample you have you JSON

```json [

100% of 2 votes

Votes: 2
Hits: 2042

Update - Cobalt v.8.738 Stable

New version of Cobalt 8.738 is available.


2 things worth noticing this update.

  1. Totally refactored Tools Plugin and how tools are created. Most probably you will not see any difference how it looks and works, all the same. But it is different how it is built.

Why is it important for you then?

Well, a lot of people always make some tony scripts that runs different tasks in Cobalt. usualy people create new controller and method within it. Then they call it

100% of 2 votes

Votes: 2
Hits: 2961

Welcome new version of Emerald 10!

This long anticipated version brings a lot of new features and improvements.

New features


Aditional fields is a big deal. This unique feature brings a lot to Emerald. Right out of the box you will get one free field Note

  1. Note - this field allows user to attache their notes with the purchase. You can place few note fields like Tell us your custom requests and Instruct for sending you a product. Then as admin you will see those notes in sale
100% of 4 votes

Votes: 4
Hits: 3272

Update - Cobalt v.8.726 Stable

Here is the new version of great CCK for Joomla - Cobalt v.8.726.

A lot of fixes and improvements.


  • fix - Relation fiel autoselect parent
  • fix - Clusters JS script in geo
  • fix - email send Joomla 3.5.1
  • improve - Better import UTF 8 support
  • fix - VK comments and HTTPS support
  • add - Audit log messages for articles import as new or edit
  • fix - Import articles with no title
  • fix - Import calcualtion of new and updated records
  • fix - email field send email
95% of 3 votes

Votes: 3
Hits: 2839

Update - Emerald v.9.431 Stable

Here is the latest version of graetes paid membership subscription extension of all times. Emerald v.9.431.

A lot of fixes and improvements. Also some tiny but very useful additions.


  • add - Ability to translate Emerald countries and states through language kyes.
  • add - Remository restriction new parameter exclude files
  • add - Hikashop action new parameter category
  • add - In the message how many hours are left
  • add - [GROUPNAME] placeholder to alert action
  • fix
100% of 1 votes

Votes: 1
Hits: 2266

Update - Cobalt v.8.707 Stable

Here is the new version of Cobalt 8.707 - great Joomla CCK.

This version has number of cool features. Let me highlight some of them.

Kunena Migration

If you are tired that your forum looks like alien on your site and you want it be native, just install Cobalt's forum pack, then go to tools and run migration process.


Emerald 10 ready

Unfortunately in order to run together with

100% of 3 votes

Votes: 3
Hits: 8485

Update - Cobalt v.8.698 Stable

New version of Cobalt 8.698 most flexible Joomla CCK extension is here.

This version provides some improvements and fixes.


  • add - html field ... to the end of the text when cut
  • add - text field value now translatable
  • fix - redirect URL after article submit not SEF
  • add - easysocial integration, follow in cobalt if followed in easysocial.
  • improve gravatar works through https.
  • fix - import no title
  • fix - Fmap not found JS error in Geo field
  • add -
100% of 5 votes

Votes: 5
Hits: 2187

Update - Emerald v.9.407 Stable

Here is the new version of Emerald 9.407 - great Joomla membership extension.

In this release we've added some cool new features.

Action - Alert

New free alert action that is packed with core package. This action can send emails on success purchase with custom text to custom emails.

Please, note, Emerald already have Success subscription notification for subscriber. This action is for admins or moderators.

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