hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
14 May 2014 07:39

In the address page, can I customize the page? If yes, how?

I dont want to change the structure of the database but I want to post state as city and city as county (not country).
I dont want to show the field phone.
I might change the order of the fields.
I want to set Turkey as default country.

Is there a view that I can make these customizations?

In two other subscription components I have used, I was able to set a default country. Also, there was an option to set which fields to are going to be visible. Maybe you can add some new settings in the configuration.

Have a nice day, more questions ahead :-)

Last Modified: 20 Oct 2014

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
14 May 2014 07:43

What is the exact file that needs to be translated for the frontend? I can keep the backend in English. So I want to make as minimum translations as possible.

Total posts: 13,748
14 May 2014 11:25

hakana What is the exact file that needs to be translated for the frontend? I can keep the backend in English. So I want to make as minimum translations as possible.


hakana In the address page, can I customize the page? If yes, how?

Unfortunately it is not customizable. It is autogenerated based on XMML file. You cannot delete phone field. Or any other fields.

I made that default country will be the one that you select as your comany address country in Emerald config.

If you do not have states in DB, after your country selected, user will not see state selector. Only need to enter city.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
14 May 2014 15:17

hakana In the address page, can I customize the page? If yes, how?

Unfortunately it is not customizable. It is autogenerated based on XMML file. You cannot delete phone field. Or any other fields.

Then what is your recommendation for someone who needs to customize it. Can't you put in the invoice config something like this:

Phone Field Visible: Yes/No

Just by using the styling, is there a way to hide it?

And if I were you, I would have ordered the invoice fields in this way:
Zip Code:

Do you think we can make these changes maybe on the core? Do you find them logical? Thank you very much.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
14 May 2014 15:40

My template is an old template. It will take some time to renew or replace it. I wold like to launch my site with Emerald now and I would like to use my current template for a few more months before I fully adapt it to bootstrap. In the meantime, I have many css issues (mostly on buttons) on the pages where emerald is loaded. Do you have any recommendations about how to avoid it? I dont know how to fix these bootstrap issues actually. I have heard something called less css. Would it be useful to avoid these overlappings?

Total posts: 13,748
14 May 2014 16:01

hakana dont know how to fix these bootstrap issues actually

There is only one way is to load bootstrap files.

hakana And if I were you, I would have ordered the invoice fields in this way:

I have reordered fields.

hakana Just by using the styling, is there a way to hide it?

Yes. You can create template override for invoiceto view and at the end of javascript code add


hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
14 May 2014 16:23

I love youuuu :-) There is a solution for everything here :-) OK, so should I update the core files you mean? Where is the updated file with the reordered fields.

Total posts: 13,748
15 May 2014 05:05

hakana Where is the updated file with the reordered fields.

In new update today.

hakana so should I update the core files you mean?

No you have to create Joomla stile layout override. Create /templates/[template name]/html/com_emerald/eminvoiceto/form.php and copy there content of original layout file and then modify it.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
16 May 2014 12:45

Hi Sergey,

I have uploaded the latest version. When I set Turkey in the invoice country section, it is still not the default country on the front end, on the address from.

Have a nice day.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
17 May 2014 10:12

On the invoice form, there is no field for city. Isn't this strange? If you haven't forgotten it, is it not seen. If it does not exist, then I would like to assign the state field for city. Are there any drawbacks of assigning state as city if I put all the available cities in Turkey

PS: It would have been really wonderful if you had put a checkbox in the config to make phone number visible or not. (same for city actually, since I need it) The above javascript code will work I believe but I still don't want to create any Emerald overrides in order to make the updates easily. If you don't want to do it, Thanks for the javascript solution as well.

PS: These config options exist in Akeeba Subs.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
17 May 2014 12:19

Hi Sergey,

Here are my comments about the form related with the attached image.

1) There is no space between the combo box and the first row of the form (either in add a new address or use your current address option)
2) There is nothing in my language file called "TAX ID" you can see that I have already translated it. So is this text hard coded to somewhere?
3) If you move the pointer over the tax ID, It says "PHONE" Why? And there is no language string in my file called "PHONE"


Total posts: 13,748
18 May 2014 07:08

All fixed.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
18 May 2014 11:52

Thank you Sergey. I will check it tonight. When you say fixed, does it mean that I should wait for Thursday for the new release?

Maybe you can release just a com_emerald file instead of the package. Every time I download the package, extract it and then update the core of the component. Because I dont want addons like Hikashop etc.

Total posts: 13,748
19 May 2014 05:18

hakana When you say fixed, does it mean that I should wait for Thursday for the new release?

Yep. This is what it means. But sometimes when we find criticul error I may release silent update during the week. So the best way is to follow Emerald download article and you will get notification as soon as it gets updated.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
19 May 2014 07:53

Hi Sergey,

This is a general request. Can you put a definition at the bottom of the all available payment gates? I would like to give some detailed explanation about how the payment occurs and how secure it is. This definition is not specific to the gate but something general. Some detailed info about all the payment gates.

It is up to you but it will be very helpful for me.

Total posts: 13,748
19 May 2014 11:50

What do you mean by defenition? What kind of information are you looking for? Did you see this article?

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
19 May 2014 14:57

Sorry if it wasn't clear. I mean this: (with smaller font off course)


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
19 May 2014 15:21

Suggestions / ideas

  • Emerald parameter in config. i.e. Textarea for post-text. (translatable with lang. overrides, BS alert style, or maybe custom CSS style input)
  • Emerald parameter in config. i.e. HTML-area for post-text. (PrepareContent, so user may load any module or position)
  • hard-coded special module position for emerald i.e. eminvoiceterms, empaymentdefinition etc.
  • selectbox in config to choose selectable module / position i.e. custom HTML module
  • selectbox in config to choose a certain J! article. (render full article, or open in modal lightbox)

Thanks for listening.

Total posts: 13,748
19 May 2014 15:41

pepperstreet Textarea for post-text

What is post text?

pepperstreet hard-coded special module position for emerald i.e. eminvoiceterms, empaymentdefinition etc.


Other also not understandable. Try to describe real case scenario.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
19 May 2014 16:12

What is post text?

Post text is exactly what I showed on the above image. Text below the payment gate icons. I need the above text area because I need to state that they are being redirected to the web site of the bank. Therefore, I would like to state that I dont get and keep the credit card info. This info is nearly necessary in Turkey, because many people are still afraid to buy something online.

What?? Other also not understandable.

He is saying that if you don't want to create something new in the config for this "additional payment gateway info", then you can create a module position in these files (eminvoiceterms, empaymentdefinition etc.) so that we can write our text from the custom html module just below the payment gateway icons.

Thanks for listening +1

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
19 May 2014 20:50

Also, for offline payment, I would like a link to an article in the configuration. We might send a mail when offline payment button is clicked but I still want to show the payment info to them which comes from a special article. Because most administrative e-mails are going to junk folder from my web site.

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