hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
14 May 2014 07:39

In the address page, can I customize the page? If yes, how?

I dont want to change the structure of the database but I want to post state as city and city as county (not country).
I dont want to show the field phone.
I might change the order of the fields.
I want to set Turkey as default country.

Is there a view that I can make these customizations?

In two other subscription components I have used, I was able to set a default country. Also, there was an option to set which fields to are going to be visible. Maybe you can add some new settings in the configuration.

Have a nice day, more questions ahead :-)

Last Modified: 20 Oct 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
19 May 2014 23:49

Sergey What??

:D For use case see "hakana's" screenshot and comments. I just made several technical suggestions HOW TO realize the text/footnote.

I have chosen "post text" because it is often used in other modules/extensions. i.e. PRE-text is for additional infos before and POST-text is after the main content.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
19 May 2014 23:55

hakana if you don't want to create something new in the config for this "additional payment gateway info", then you can create a module position in these files (eminvoiceterms, empaymentdefinition etc.) so that we can write our text from the custom html module

:) Exactly! (so, my english wasn't too bad) The possibility to show custom content in a pre-defined module position. People may know this from JomSocial profile templates.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
24 May 2014 22:34

Hi Sergey,

Is it possible to put a text like "please select" as the first item of the states combo box? My clients are generally not very computer literate so I am afraid that they will simply click what they see without changing the first item. I just wanted to bring it to your attention.

Also, there is a small "loading" image that is shown while the "state items" are being loaded into the combo box. This image link is broken and it is not shown. FYI again.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
25 May 2014 17:36

Can you please write the full sentences of these texts? These are the only remaining ones in the translation. EM_COUPON_TYPE_SUM="Gift certificate %2$s with <b>%1$d %3$s</b> left" EM_COUPON_TYPE_FIXED="Coupon %2$s with fixed <b>%1$d %3$s</b> discount"

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
25 May 2014 17:39

There is more than one recommendation or issue here. Shall I put them into different topics or let them stay like this?

Total posts: 13,748
25 May 2014 22:58

Put them all here.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
26 May 2014 07:54

Hi Sergey,

Now I started to test the workflow of the component.

  • If I am a new user who needs registration,
  • I need to create a new user,
  • check my email to activate my account,
    click the link on the e-mail (if it has arrived promptly)
    they I should login to the site to continue to buy the new subscription.

This is a very long process where I can lose the client in one of the steps.

Is something like this possible? * I create a new user, - (even if activation is required) if the user is coming from "buy now a subscription" link, forward that user to the invoice details page, - if the payment is successful, dont wait for the user to click on the activation link, but activate him/her. -

According to the second flow, the users will continue their payment. If this short flow is possible, I could not figure it out yet.

Total posts: 13,748
26 May 2014 08:50

There are 2 process in Emerald

SDR - Subscription During Registration

If in user type Emerald plugin you eneable plan selector, user will be able to select plan on registration form and after submitting form no matter if it required activation or not, he is redirected to payment gateway.

RDS - Registration During Subscription

This is our latest invention. If this parameter is turned on in the plan, then on payment confirmation page before payment gateway button clicked, user only need to enter email. Then user account wil be created automaticaly, letter will be sent to user with password. And he will be proseeded to gateway immediately.

RDS is a new in Emerald not yet announced.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
30 May 2014 05:53

Hi Sergey,

I have tested both of the flows. SDR is not suitable for me since less then 10% of my site users buy a subscription. It will be confusing for them to select a plan during registration. They might think that the whole site is paid.

RDS is better. I am only hesitant here because I will get the e-mail as the user name which might be confusing for the client.

I have another idea. I know you are very busy nowadays but I would like to hear your thoughts on this.

Client is not a user 1. Client clicks "buy now" button. 2. Client is redirected to the "login or register" page. 3. Client registers.

After this step, if you can forward the user to the payment page it will be a very simple buying process. How can you achieve this? At the first stage; if the client is not logged and he clicks the "buy now button", you can write a parameter in the cookie. When the registration is complete, if this parameter exists in that session in the cookie, then you can immediately forward the user to the payment page. In this way, I can use the original registration form where I have some special checks about how the user name should be.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Have a nice day :-)

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
01 Jun 2014 09:16

Is it possible to add a placeholder to any of the Emerald plugins, so that I can use the name of subscriber in any text? Is there already one that I don't know [name] not [username]

Total posts: 13,748
01 Jun 2014 23:55

hakana Client is not a user 1. Client clicks "buy now" button. 2. Client is redirected to the "login or register" page. 3. Client registers.

This is the way is is working with RDS or SDR. Turn off RDS and when user click buy now, he will be redirected to login form, there he can clik register link. After registration, he will go to subscription payment page again.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
02 Jun 2014 05:15

Sergey This is the way is is working with RDS or SDR. Turn off RDS and when user click buy now, he will be redirected to login form, there he can clik register link. After registration, he will go to subscription payment page again.

I have tested it twice, it did not work like this for me.

I clicked the buy now button of the payment plan.
Then I was redirected to the registration form.
I clicked the registration link
I completed the registration form.

The flow stopped here, giving me the account activation message. It says I need to click the link at the email to activate my account. I dont know if there is something wrong with my configuration. As I said before, the best way should be, without showing me the activation message, I should be redirected to the payment (invoice details) page.

I can show you the flow or you can test it at my test site .../new

Thanks again.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
02 Jun 2014 17:33

hakana The flow stopped here, giving me the account activation message. It says I need to click the link at the email to activate my account.

Hence the J! core workflow and configuration options
-> User Manager -> Options (button upper right hand corner)

I assume your setting is still on "Self". Auto-activation is possible with "None".

Bildschirmfoto 2014-06-02 um 19.24.27

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
04 Jun 2014 09:29

Hi pepperstreet,

Thank you very much for your help. I know this already and I want to go on with self activation. What I am saying is, if somebody who is not a member comes to buy a subscription, when he clicks the buy now button and creates a new user, after the user is created he can be immediately forwarded to the payment page by bypassing the self activation procedures. I think this can be possible by tracking where the user came to the registration form. If I am still not understood, I would like to show what I mean by sharing screens.

Kind regards, Hakan

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 Jun 2014 22:03

hakana I want to go on with self activation

But "SELF" setting requires the click on email link. And without prior activation... the user is not logged-in... thus he can't complete the payment. IMHO

PS: Maybe I missed a possible Emerald setting and workflow that "overrides" this behavior?! Actually, I just know the Cobalt "Register" field with similar features.

I did not test the new Emerald features... as far as I know, your workflow has benn implemented in the last releases. Excerpt from the Product page description:

  • Automatic user account confirmation
    Emerald may automatically confirm user account on success payment even before user confirmed his email address;

  • Auto login
    If user account confirmed, Emerald may automatically login user upon return from payment gateway;

Sounds like your requirement and workflow, even WITH registration settings "SELF".

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 Jun 2014 22:19

The Docs are a little bit confusing, IMHO. For instance there is the following info about "auto-activation":

3. Activate user if payment successful There is an option to make user account automatically active after success payment.

  • Set user activation mode ADMIN in user manager global settings.
  • Enable user activation in global Emerald parameters.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
05 Jun 2014 06:54

Hi pepperstreet,

Thank you very much for your response. If the workflow you say is possible, I could not find the right settings combination for that. So let Sergey clarify the issue. Thanks for your help.

Total posts: 13,748
05 Jun 2014 11:31

Please, explain your issue again. There are so many of them in thos thread that I am lost.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
06 Jun 2014 07:42

Hi Sergey,

If somebody who is not a member comes to buy a subscription, when he clicks the buy now button and creates a new user, after the user is created he can be immediately forwarded to the payment page by bypassing the self activation procedures. I think this can be possible by tracking where the user came to the registration form. If I am still not understood, I would like to show what I mean by sharing screens. It will not take more than 5 minutes.

Kind regards, Hakan

Total posts: 13,748
07 Jun 2014 13:44

hakana clicks the buy now button and creates a new user

This is is confusing. We have 3 ways of registartion

  1. Simple user registreation
  2. Registration with plan selector
  3. Registration during subscription only email required.

Which one are you talking about now?

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