maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
07 Apr 2014 16:24

Is it possible to restrict through a subscription any or all of the following: - Just a paragraph (or any segment) of a Joomla content item? - Just a paragraph (or any segment) or a K2 element content? - Just certain K2 extra fields? - Certain areas of a Joomla template?

If so, how could I do it?

Last Modified: 10 Aug 2015

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
11 Apr 2014 16:21

Thanks, I just tried testing again, but when I save the item, the [PAID] tags get deleted from html editor.

Total posts: 13,748
14 Apr 2014 14:09

Fixed on demo. But it will work in new version. And silent update for Emerald is done.

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
21 Apr 2014 21:19

Hi, and thanks for your reply. I tried to test it again but couldn't save a forum post in your demo site. Says there is no category selected but I can't chose a category.

Also, I'd like to know how to customize the text that is shown to non subscribers. Sometimes I'd like to show an image. Or is it possible to have content shown only for NON subscribers?

For example: if a user hasn't paid, he'll see an image with a watermark as a header. when the user pays, I don't want him to see that image with a watermark, but instead I'd like them to see a full resolution image only in the same place where the default image was displayed.

Total posts: 13,748
22 Apr 2014 07:37

maleli Says there is no category selected but I can't chose a category.

Fixed on demo. There was a seriouse issue with categoru selectors, I had to refactor it. Now I believe everything is fixed. I hate changes like this on stable product.

maleli Also, I'd like to know how to customize the text that is shown to non subscribers. Sometimes I'd like to show an image. Or is it possible to have content shown only for NON subscribers?

What you insert into title parameter, will be visible to user. But add watermarks to pictures require PHP coding. It is possible to do but that depends what extension shows pictures and it is not related to [PAID] mechanism. Should be completely separate custom coding.

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
22 Apr 2014 16:08

Yes, sorry, maybe that wasn't a good example. I understand the watermark is not provided by Emerald.

Maybe this will illustrate it better:

I need some content to be shown only to subscribers and some content to be shown to NON subscribers. For example, placing a preview image for non subscribers and a video for subscribers, without placing the subscription button there.

this is what public users would see:

This is what subscribers would see:

Since I have two or more pieces of restricted content, I wouldn't want the subscription link to show in all these spots. I'd prefer to add it in one place only, as a button, even if I have to code it manually in the template.

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
22 Apr 2014 18:13

I was able to test in your demo site. And I figured this code doesnt work, should I discard this format for the tag?:

Only this code with a title works:

This title isn't optional, but I don't want to add any text

Subscribe now

Did I miss anything?

Everything else works great!

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
24 Apr 2014 03:44

Hi again, I was wondering if there is some other way to add html to the ´title´ part? The reason is because, like in my example above, I want to show a specific image for each paid item for non subscribers in place of a video. That means that I will need to retrieve the article´s image. If I set the title through an override, the message would be standardized. One idea I was thinking of is if there is some way to have a tag opposite to the [PAID] tag, a [NONSUBSCRIBER] tag. That way I could just set it up like this:

< div class="mainvideo" > [NONSUBSCRIBER={"id":"6"}] Any user who has not subscribed to payplan with id 6 will see the html that renders a picture here inviting to buy a subscription for plan 6. If I set all this via an override I can't specify that the image that I want is the one that corresponds to payplan 6, I would have a generic image, which I wouldn't want. [/NONSUBSCRIBER] </ div>

[NONSUBSCRIBER={"id":"6"}] < div class="subscription_price">$9.99 - this is also retrieved from the database from the price of this specific item. The price should only be seen by users who have not bought a subscription for plan 6. </ div> [/NONSUBSCRIBER]

If i seet up an override like SUBSCRIPTION_PRICE, I won't be able to set the specific price for each item.

Total posts: 13,748
25 Apr 2014 05:21

What do you think of titleFile parameter. For example

With path start from Joomla root? Then we can use this file to get it's content?

That will be better I think because you wil no need to double you No Subscription text every time and it should be the same in most of the cases.

Also you will be able to use PHP in it for example to display user hame or other information.

Do you like this idea?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Apr 2014 12:11

maleli I want to show a specific image for each paid item for non subscribers in place of a video. That means that I will need to retrieve the article´s image. If I set the title through an override, the message would be standardized

As far as i understand the language CONSTANT support... you can create your HTML output in the language override file. Also multiple versions.

maleli If i seet up an override like SUBSCRIPTION_PRICE, I won't be able to set the specific price for each item.

See my previous comment above.

But I agree with the "price" issue in regards of redundancy. Actually this information should come directly from the plan properties, IMHO. Doesn't make sense to work with fixed data, it should be dynamic.

The "opposite" idea and functionality to show infos to un-subscribed users is good. Maybe it should be [UNPAID]...[/UNPAID] ?

@Sergey I think, the external file idea is going to be too "geeky" and "technical. Shouldn't all important Plan properties be available as [PLACEHOLDERS] or parameters?

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
25 Apr 2014 12:32

Thanks to you both for your replies.

I agree with Pepperstreet. I could work with the php file that loads but I don't think it's too friendly.

If there was a [PAID] tag AND also an [UNPAID] tag, that would definitely solve the issue, because content for subscribers-only and content for non-subscribers-only could be displayed anywhere in the template or the article and be completely customizable, with no need for the Title attribute or button (which could remain optional parameters maybe).

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
25 Apr 2014 12:44

This is less important but would be nice to add it to the wishlist, since we're thinking of making this friendlier... If we could have something like a tag that retrieves a specific subscription plan parameters like link, price, etc, so we could build a customized button directly to that plan. I think I could hard code it into the template since I know the plan id and the price, but retrieving that automatically would be much friendlier and less likely to break if a price changes (I'd have to change it in my k2 extra fields AND in Emerald), or if I substitute a plan for a new one.

For example:


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Apr 2014 13:23

maleli If we could have something like a tag that retrieves a specific subscription plan parameters

Exactly what I had in my mind ;-)

(I guess, the plan ID does already need a DB query... so, why not fetch all important properties)

Total posts: 13,748
28 Apr 2014 04:49

I am not sure it is needed.

Let's say there are 2 options to restrict content with [PAID].

  1. Single plan when {"id":"1"} points to only one plan. In that case you know the price and in the title you may use {"title":"But this subscrioption only $10"}.
  2. Multiple plans indication like {"id":"1,2,3"}. Then you do тещ know the price anywhay.

I mean what difference [UNPAID] will give you? The title parameter in is the same as

This is what shows: User1 is subscribed to plan 8, but the restricted text isnt shown.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
04 May 2014 21:23

This PAID and UNPAID plugin was one of the few missing things in the component. Thank you Sergey. Just tell me to what to do for the sequential content release system then I buy the component immediately.

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