baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
19 Nov 2015 03:08


On the Subscription Sales table, there only shows "creation date", no expiration date at all.

I want to show Expiration Date also on the Subscription Sales table, how can I do it?

If there is no option to choose columns which can be shown on this table, could you please add such an option?

Thank you.

Last Modified: 07 Dec 2015

Total posts: 13,748
19 Nov 2015 14:18

Youy can see it when you unfold sale. There are too many information to show everything in columns.


baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
20 Nov 2015 00:51

Ok, I see the expiration date when unfold the sale record.

But, my purpose is not only to "see" it, I want to show the "expiration date" as a column head because I can sort records with that column.

I had checked the page size and the table width, there is enough space to add a new column of "exp. date".

In fact, I think people care "expiration date" more than "creation date". Maybe you can show the former there to take the place of the latter.

Or, just add some options to let the Site Admin to choose which columns he want to show on the table, and the order of those columns (who first, who next and who last).

Thank you.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
23 Nov 2015 00:08

Good points. +1

Total posts: 13,748
23 Nov 2015 13:48

baijianpeng I had checked the page size and the table width, there is enough space to add a new column of "exp. date".

Since Emerald is a frontend extension this statment is not true for everyone. For your template ther is space for other templates, there is no space.

What if I add ability to sotr by this column without making it a column? WOuld that be of any satisfaction?

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
27 Nov 2015 02:36

How can I choose "sort by expiration date" if this expiraton date is not even a column? It is not easy to click it!

You are right that some templates may have tight space there.

So, I think a better solution is: let the site admin choose which column will be shown on the list table. This can be added as a new option in the "Configuration" page of Emerald backend.

Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
30 Nov 2015 12:37

baijianpeng How can I choose "sort by expiration date" if this expiraton date is not even a column?

The same way you can do that in backend in any records list. You can see at top right position selector of the field and order to apply to the list. Another words I can do that. The question is would that be enough?

baijianpeng So, I think a better solution is: let the site admin choose which column will be shown on the list table. This can be added as a new option in the "Configuration" page of Emerald backend.

Of course that would be ideal. But it is to complicated. Let's find optimal solution.

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
01 Dec 2015 06:44

OK, just make the first step. Later when you have more time, maybe you can consider to add the "choose which column to show" option.

Total posts: 13,748
07 Dec 2015 14:24

May be later :)

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