pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
26 Mar 2017 21:33

Hello, I have some strange issues with latest Cobalt 8.734 and import.

The new import settings name does not show up in the select box. It seems to add a blank line/option. No name is visible.


After clicking the NEXT step, the import progress bar finishes very fast and the import ends with success message… but 0 records?!


There is no screen with fields assignment.
I tried different CSV files and different data.

Someone else with similar issues? Any clues? Thanks in advance.

Last Modified: 22 Sep 2017

Total posts: 13,748
29 Mar 2017 12:38

Look into js_res_import table. Is there the name column field with the name?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
31 Mar 2017 03:39

Sergey Look into js_res_import table. Is there the name column field with the name?

Yes, there is. The values of the latest import tests are NULL.

Funilly, I have tried a total different type/section on one Cobalt installation... and that one works!

So where is the rule? The other sections and Joomla installations were different.
There must be something different in those other sections/types.
Maybe a certain type of field? A certain setting?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
31 Mar 2017 04:41

pepperstreet Maybe a certain type of field?


The ReadMore / ReadAlso field seem to interfere the import process!!!
As soon as I unpublish the field in the type, I get to the field assignment step.
OMG, that took me 2 days :(

Total posts: 13,748
31 Mar 2017 05:11

Fields are not called when we create list of saved import parameters.

How could that affect it and show empty element in select box?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
31 Mar 2017 21:20

Sergey How could that affect it and show empty element in select box?

It does. The empty names have been created during my test imports.
I have selected "Create New..." and then it should load the "field assignment" step.
This step has also the NAME input field!
Since this step/screen never appeared, I could not input and save any name ;)

So, my actual issue was the missing field assignment screen. But I did not know that the culprit belongs to the target type/section. I always thought the error occurs beforehand. Or is related to my file and its parsing.

It would be really helpful, if there is a list about the supported/unsupported fields,
and how they would expect their values etc.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
09 Sep 2017 15:08

pepperstreet It would be really helpful, if there is a list about the supported/unsupported fields, and how they would expect their values etc.

Just a gentle reminder ;)

Total posts: 13,748
22 Sep 2017 11:01

Could you drop me PACK of your section you import to and CSV file you import.

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