pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
20 Jun 2013 16:01

Hello, i just had an idea for a certain use case and page display. My first thought was Parent/Child articles... but maybe this is not the only solution!? Here is my rough idea and some features:

  • Project (different users submit proposals/articles for this project)
  • Project timer allows to add proposals in a certain timeframe only
  • Project Owner can comment and rate each proposal.
  • Project Owner can choose favorites.
  • Project Owner can choose winner (top-favorite?)
  • Users can comment their own article.
  • Users see only own and project owners comments
  • Mention feature: mention articles(childs) of the current project. Maybe mention username would work as well... but then it should link or filter for the user's submissions in the current project!

Benefit: Projects can be submitted into respective SubCategories. Categories can be filtered and searched easily for certain project types.

Some Questions:

1.) How to do a time restriction for submissions?

1.1) Selectable fixed timeframes i.e. 3days, 1week, 2weeks, 1month etc.

2.) How to create a "winner". Favorite or Status field?

3.) Comment feature? Can it be configured like in my first feature list?

4.) Performance: Is there any difference in comment systems? Is Cobalt build-in faster? Faster than Cobalt types as comments?

  1. Would like to have a mention feature. Currently, this is possible for usernames only. And in text-area field only. Any chance for Cobalt comments?

6.) Mention article by number/ID. The proposal-article would need an internal number per project. first submission #1, second #2, third #3 etc. How to do that?

7.) Proposal limit: Let Owner change and set a proposal limit?

8.) Participants - Module. Who has made a proposal with Avatar.

9.) Watermarks on images. (maybe optional for each proposal)

Any thoughts are much appreciated.

Please, try to keep any replies under the respective Comment. This thread is going to be very long and cluttered.


Added some new points and features 1.1, 7, 8, 9

Please comment with respective # in Comments.

Last Modified: 04 May 2014

Total posts: 13,748
21 Jun 2013 06:32

1.) How to do a time restriction for submissions?

no Ideas at the moment

1.) How to do a time restriction for submissions?

2.) How to create a "winner". Favorite or Status field?

Depending on what you want later. If you want winner be on top of the list no matter what is order, then favorite.

1.) How to do a time restriction for submissions?

2.) How to create a "winner". Favorite or Status field?

3.) Comment feature? Can it be configured like in my first feature list?

Do not understand

1.) How to do a time restriction for submissions?

2.) How to create a "winner". Favorite or Status field?

3.) Comment feature? Can it be configured like in my first feature list?

4.) Performance: Is there any difference in comment systems? Is Cobalt build-in faster? Faster than Cobalt types as comments?

Theoretically cobalt comments should be quicker. But I would not look on this from this site. Better to find out what you need and what will fit the best to your idea.

1.) How to do a time restriction for submissions?

2.) How to create a "winner". Favorite or Status field?

3.) Comment feature? Can it be configured like in my first feature list?

4.) Performance: Is there any difference in comment systems? Is Cobalt build-in faster? Faster than Cobalt types as comments?

  1. Would like to have a mention feature. Currently, this is possible for usernames only. And in text-area field only. Any chance for Cobalt comments?

This will not work in any HTML WYSIWYG editors. It is possible but then we need our own editor.

1.) How to do a time restriction for submissions?

2.) How to create a "winner". Favorite or Status field?

3.) Comment feature? Can it be configured like in my first feature list?

4.) Performance: Is there any difference in comment systems? Is Cobalt build-in faster? Faster than Cobalt types as comments?

  1. Would like to have a mention feature. Currently, this is possible for usernames only. And in text-area field only. Any chance for Cobalt comments?

6.) Mention article by number/ID. The proposal-article would need an internal number per project. first submission #1, second #2, third #3 etc. How to do that?

This might be possible in any editor I think. replace #45 to article link is easy.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Jun 2013 10:21

1.) Time Restriction for Project and/or Child submission...

no Ideas at the moment

Maybe utilize publish/prolong or archive feature? But the project should stay visible. How to restrict child submission?

Or something with Date-Time field and Status-field: Project runs out and Status will change accordingly. Child submission depends on Status field?!

no Ideas at the moment

3.) "Comments features..." Do not understand

I am thinking of a mixture of private and public comments. Project owner can comment privately OR visible for all participants/submissions.

5.) Mention Cobalt comments

Comments will not be full HTML WYSIWYG. Just simple text like textarea. No formatting except for mention feature.

6.) Mention article/child in current project

no Ideas at the moment

3.) "Comments features..." Do not understand

replace #45 to article link is easy.

Easy? Can you explain? Can you utilize and expand Mention.js ?

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
21 Jun 2013 11:53

Pepper that's like a budget site isn't it?

I though about Cobalt for something similar. It would be a site a bit similar to

For what i've seen the status field helps but only if it would have the feature to execute SQL Code on status change... this way it could control any component on change.

But for the rest of the options there isn't too much options for them on Cobalt, for what i've seen.

For example the winner would be related to "contributors" to the article (there's a module for it) but this contributors would have to be inserted into a field so the user can choose.

Since i pretend to launch a similar site i will have to go for Joombri

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
21 Jun 2013 14:59

BTW, Status field has custom SQL commands.

Sorry, confused with another field, certainly.

Yes i believe the Date&time field would work if would allow usergroups to specify number of days(or by the admin) for a project with event triggers to perform sql actions

Although i didn't understood the mention feature

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Jun 2013 16:42

Although i didn't understood the mention feature

Its something i have seen on another platform. Example: You have a project page with a lot of proposals. Each proposal is represented with an Image thumb and #... there might be a really large amount of items listed. This might also need paging. Under this listing is the Comments area. If someone refers to a certain proposal/image#, he just needs to enter #99 and this is turned into a link(anchor) to this proposal. Or it could have an automated thumbnail preview on rollover.

That function is complex, but not really crucial. Just good UX if there are a lot of entries.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
21 Jun 2013 17:55

1.) How to do a time restriction for submissions?

Assuming you created your plant project based on relate parent/child field and you made 2 SECTION/TYPES (Project and Proposal), use a customized pARENT output template to display the "Add new" button based on the project submission deadline (date field in project type). You will need a customized output template anyway if you use a tabular list template for the project display and expect a lot of proposals per TYPE project to increase the readability.


the PARENT field output template for list view just contains the "Add new" button, no field info. Then the project list template will decide to display the column content (the "add new" link) based on the deadline submission date.

Don't forget to restrict editing of records after deadline.

1.) How to do a time restriction for submissions?

2.) How to create a "winner". Favorite or Status field?

As Sergey said, depends on what you want. If you want to show it to others, favourite might not be the right choice since it is a personal feature (have never used it, but will check it today). The status field would be the better choice. USE a sort order by last modified in the parent field setting for showing child records, so it would stay on top of the list (since this change happens after submission deadline and no one should be able at this time to tamper with the records).

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
22 Jun 2013 00:42

I tried the concept ... :D

But there are other things to consider as well -- like the child form should also check that not someone submits to it manually by typing in the URL ...

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
22 Jun 2013 19:58

That might be a nice project for a "Packer" installation ... :D

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
22 Jun 2013 20:11

Submission by direct URL? How to prevent this?

The child form could validate first the deadline through the record ID of the project record, which is part of the url. It can then, for example redirect back to the project listing.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Jun 2013 20:24

Regarding Proposal deadline - simplify UX for project owner:

1.1) Selectable fixed timeframes i.e. 3days, 1week, 2weeks, 1month etc.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
22 Jun 2013 20:50


When you copy the URL and execute it, the URL contains the record ID of the project record.

Now at the beginning of the child form script (proposal submit), you can query for the value of the deadline field, since you know the record id and the field id.

Then compare the deadline value with date("Y-m-d H:i:s") to see if it is expired already.

If it is still valid, process the form (accept a proposal submission), otherwise redirect back to the listing or an error page/message.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Jun 2013 09:10

7.) Proposal limit: Let Owner change and set a proposal limit?

Sergey, you mentioned a comments limit in this topic.

7.) Proposal limit: Let Owner change and set a proposal limit?

New limit number of comments per article parameter will work to allow create reviews section where only one review per article is allowed... This is all about cobalt type as comments.

You are talking about Cobalt Type as Comments. Does it make any sense to use it instead of Parent/Childs for a proposal submission?

My possible usecases:

  • Events/Workshops with available Seats

parent article is event; author can set a "seat" limit.

  • Projects and proposals

parent article is project; Author can set a "proposal" limit.

Maybe its useful to let the author approve the "proposals", optionally. In other words reject/unpublish certain proposals to make free "seats" available again. Would be nice to promote this amount# in frontend.

Is this possible with your mentioned changes?

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
24 Jun 2013 10:01

Events/Workshops with available Seats

parent article is event; author can set a "seat" limit.

Would you insert "seats" feature on a new section or existing section?

I mean... if you have 1 section with multiple types when you press "+ insert events here" on the toolbar it shows a dropdown with "Events" and "seats" which would not be appropriate... but inserting into another section the user cannot search the "event section" with available seats for example, because there is no multi-section search.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Jun 2013 12:07

8.) Participants - Module. Who has made a proposal with Avatar.

How to distinguish between visitors and contributors (author of proposals)?

Currently, Cobalts module "Participants" is not suitable. It takes any user into account. If someone watched the project, he is considered a participant. Can it be extended in regards of this projects/proposal use case?

Other possibilities to mark a user as participant? i.e. make user a follower of the project owner?

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
24 Jun 2013 15:16

for what i see you can only use favorite. You can use follow but that implicates the user as participant and receive e-mails, you cannot separate both.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
24 Jun 2013 15:53

How to distinguish between visitors and contributors (author of proposals)?

I have not checked the existing modules, but that should be very easy to accomplish.

You can query the #__js_res_record_values for the the child records wich contains the project "id" in their "field_value". Then you automatically get a user/author list.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Jun 2013 23:46

Easy? Can you explain? Can you utilize and expand Mention.js ?

NO need to expand шею It will wrok with article links easy.

The most challenging task is to create editor which is not WYSIWYG but textarea with support of markdown.

Easy? Can you explain? Can you utilize and expand Mention.js ?

BTW, just a rough and weird idea: Does it make any sense to use Cobalt Type as Comments for the proposals submission?! Pros and Cons?

Easy? Can you explain? Can you utilize and expand Mention.js ?

BTW, just a rough and weird idea: Does it make any sense to use Cobalt Type as Comments for the proposals submission?! Pros and Cons?

Events/Workshops with available Seats

parent article is event; author can set a "seat" limit.

The problem is that limitation is per user. For example you limit to 3 it means one user cannot propose more than 3 seats under single account but total number of seats per proposal is not under the control.

On the other hand when you create proposal and use parent/child you also cannot limit. Because limit is a backend parameter set once. But proposal may be for 0 seats or for 20.

Anyway I personally like Cobalt type as comment. But both way will work the same with some limitations.

Easy? Can you explain? Can you utilize and expand Mention.js ?

BTW, just a rough and weird idea: Does it make any sense to use Cobalt Type as Comments for the proposals submission?! Pros and Cons?

Events/Workshops with available Seats

parent article is event; author can set a "seat" limit.

Currently, Cobalts module "Participants" is not suitable. It takes any user into account. If someone watched the project, he is considered a participant. Can it be extended in regards of this projects/proposal use case?

I think you need new module. It is very simple. All parameters and templates are the same. You only need to change SQL query what to retrive from DB. That is шею SO make copy of the module, change SQL and that is it. You have new module that shows exactly what you need.

Easy? Can you explain? Can you utilize and expand Mention.js ?

BTW, just a rough and weird idea: Does it make any sense to use Cobalt Type as Comments for the proposals submission?! Pros and Cons?

Events/Workshops with available Seats

parent article is event; author can set a "seat" limit.

Currently, Cobalts module "Participants" is not suitable. It takes any user into account. If someone watched the project, he is considered a participant. Can it be extended in regards of this projects/proposal use case?

Although i don't believe a visitor should be considered a participant

To be, persone who reads my blog post is participant. because he participate in my life by reading my thoughts. I mean it is not always like that but in some cases it is relevant approach.

Easy? Can you explain? Can you utilize and expand Mention.js ?

BTW, just a rough and weird idea: Does it make any sense to use Cobalt Type as Comments for the proposals submission?! Pros and Cons?

Events/Workshops with available Seats

parent article is event; author can set a "seat" limit.

Currently, Cobalts module "Participants" is not suitable. It takes any user into account. If someone watched the project, he is considered a participant. Can it be extended in regards of this projects/proposal use case?

Although i don't believe a visitor should be considered a participant

In general, PARTICIPANTS module should have parameters and options to distinguish between "who commented, followed, bookmarked, viewed".

It is true. But now it uses single query from hits table. Very quick. If we start querying bookmarks, follow, comments, ... that might take more resources.

So my suggestion is the same. Make module copy and change query. This way you will be able to create most accurate query.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Jun 2013 12:01

9.) Watermarks on images. (maybe optional for each proposal)

Since proposals are going to be image-based, a watermark option is needed. Applies to Gallery field and single Image field. A related topic and idea can be found here.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 May 2014 21:08

Unfortunately, many 2nd level comments seem to be missing after the import to Cobalt powered forum. :S

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