andiamine VIP
Total posts: 295
23 Apr 2012 20:33

Hi my friend Roksprocket it's a powerfull extension created by rockettheme support all others CCK (zoo, k2, seblod), i hope an integration for Cobalt too.

RokSprocket is a revolutionary new extension for Joomla 2.5 designed to give you an incredible level of control over how you present your content. Sophisticated content filters, robust layout modes and options, integration with multiple content providers, and a streamlined no-nonsense interface all contribute to a powerful yet user friendly experience from start to finish.

Learn here about this extension

Demo link

It's free download it here

Forum link

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
24 Apr 2012 21:18

Just today I was talking to Andy about this. They have special layer for CCK's. SO I think we will integrate it.

Webmaker VIP
Total posts: 9
25 Sep 2012 22:29

Another way you could do it is re-use the sprocket code in a list template. Kinda tricky but it would work..

Total posts: 13,748
26 Sep 2012 02:39

Another way you could do it is re-use the sprocket code in a list template. Kinda tricky but it would work..

Good idea and good to see you coming back :) Missed you very much.

Total posts: 13,748
05 Jan 2013 09:22

Еще нет.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
09 Jan 2013 13:05

hello a great alternative see my topic : %2A%2A%2AAMAZING+GREAT+NEWS+WITH+SMART+SLIDER+%21%21%21%21%2A%2A%2A-3101.html

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
18 Mar 2013 11:03

Do you have any news about RokSprocket to Cobalt integration? I posted this ;t=190200&rb_v=viewtopic in RT forum but no positive feedback. Also posted in requests forum (members only) ;t=190429&rb_v=viewtopic but it seems nobody is interested. If somebody is RT member can you please post requests. Maybe will get them going. Thanks!

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