Total posts: 2
12 Oct 2016 10:31

The site I am working on is a charity and sells subscriptions to raise funds. Quite a lot of the sales are subscriptions purchased as gifts for other people. Does Emerald have a facility to purchase as a gift? I can't find anything obvious. Thanks

Last Modified: 13 Oct 2016

Total posts: 13,748
12 Oct 2016 12:40

Hmm, right now it is not possible. There is only MUA (Multiple User Access). You can create subscription that is allowed to be shared with number of other people and then the one who purchased this, can create coupon code for others to activate it for free.

Total posts: 2
13 Oct 2016 06:56

Sergey Hmm, right now it is not possible. There is only MUA (Multiple User Access). You can create subscription that is allowed to be shared with number of other people and then the one who purchased this, can create coupon code for others to activate it for free.

That's a shame, as if you had that functionality we would have no need for Hikashop.. Hikashop allows users to purchase subscriptions for other email addresses with a specified start date (often a birthday) and renewal notices go to the purchaser rather than the recipient.

Total posts: 13,748
13 Oct 2016 09:15

amboseli Hikashop allows users to purchase subscriptions for other email addresses with a specified start date

I am not sure that is goign to work with Emerald and Hikashop. Emerald assign subscription to currently logged in or user who mad an order.

Let me think, may be I can implement it in Emerald 10.

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