Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
07 Nov 2012 11:47

I've been testing my review request form, which is set to public can enter, and everything works fine except for uploads. I require two files to be uploaded, and have used gallery for one and uploads for the other (one an image, one a file) I can only upload using one of these fields. i.e. whichever I use first, the second does nothing when I click on the browse button. I have tried using gallery first, then upload, and then upload first and then gallery. The first file uploads fine either way, but the second browse button does not work.

You can see it at: http://www.classicromancerevival.com/request-a-review

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
07 Nov 2012 11:49

Oh I should mention that I have set the number of files to upload to 0, which I understand to mean unllimited. I have tried setting both of these to 1 and also to 2, but the result is still the same

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
07 Nov 2012 11:58

Also, tested an incorrect file type... it obviously doesn't accept it and the error message comes up, but then both upload and gallery field "lock" and it's not possible to browse again

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
07 Nov 2012 12:11


you have to understand how the upload works.

First select the file to upload, then press the upload button

Go to the next field, select the file and press the respective upload button.

If you made a mistake, you can still delete the files with the delete button.

When finish with the upload and filling out all fields, press record save and close.

I just tested it on your site and it is working as expected (i did not save the record)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
07 Nov 2012 15:38

@Judah Raine (off-topic)

Just a little suggestion. IMHO, the form content is hard to read. I noticed your #main in beez template uses text-align centered. Looks a bit cluttered and edgy. I would prefer left aligned for better readability.

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
07 Nov 2012 22:21


Thank your for your effort, but I wish I knew why it works for you and not me :(

I have just gone again and tested with the same result. It allows me to upload the first file (gallery) but when I scroll down and try to upload the second (uploads) the "add files" button flickers as if registering the click but the browse window does not open. Alternatively, if I upload the file using the uploads field first, it allows the upload, but then when I scroll up to the gallery field the "add files" button flickers when clicked but the browse window does not open. It is as if the action to the button is blocked.

When I try to upload an incorrect file type, this error message appears immediately:

Extension of the file ' + filename + ' is not allowed

The fields then "lock" as above and the page has to be refreshed before it allows me to upload again. I can work around this issue by adding a note in the instructions. (Managing authors is rather like herding cats - impossible. If you think I know very little - which is true.... they make me look like a maestro :D I find I have to be very literal and very specific, with step by step instructions, i.e. if you try to upload a file and get the error message, you will need to refresh the page to continue. Most of them have no inclination to learn, just to to "monkey see, monkey do") That means I have to identify any and every possible error they may make and take steps to include what to do if x happens.

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
07 Nov 2012 22:22

@ Maik Kaune

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated, thank you :D I will give this a try.

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
08 Nov 2012 09:46

Hi there, just some feedback... I eventually tried increasing the maximum file value for both fields. Eventually when I got to 10 it has now finally allowed me to use the second upload field, so this is resolved, thank you

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