Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
20 Sep 2016 17:54

Is it possible to display only cobalt record, when I press on a read more on records list page? I mean hide all modules on left and right and display only content of cobalt record. Hiding modules via Advanced moduel manager or other solutions are not acceptable, because I am displaying records list in modal and from this modal msut be opend again in modal full record, and in thic case I get full page viev with tempalte and modules, I neet to display only cobalt tempalte for full record view. Using modals plugin by regular labs(nonumber)

Last Modified: 23 Sep 2016

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Sep 2016 00:57

Hello Georgi625, not sure I got your idea and goal. Here are some questions and thoughts:

  • Your Cobalt list is in a modal? Including modules?
  • You want to open the record full-view inside the same modal?
  • I think "Modals Pro" has some settings and smart options to open URLs with "component view" only. Also deeper links. Did you try that?

If you need a different "Menu-ItemID" for Records full-view, you can set a different MenuItem in Cobalt's type parameters. Do not point it to the usual Section list. You may setup a "Dummy" menuitem, then hide it from display in MenuItem parameter -> tab Link Type -> Display in Menu NO. Then your Record full-view has its own ItemID and context.

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
21 Sep 2016 10:46 here you can accessvia edited on left collumn there is in middle text Archivio Notizie, when you press on it opens records list in modal,only cobalt tempalte file is rendered as it should. Then when you press on a title or a read more text you get full record view but there here is opened full joomla template I want to display only part which is in red box in middle. Click here to link...

pepperstreet Hello Georgi625, not sure I got your idea and goal. Here are some questions and thoughts:

  • Your Cobalt list is in a modal? Including modules?* You want to open the record full-view inside the same modal?
  • I think "Modals Pro" has some settings and smart options to open URLs with "component view" only. Also deeper links. Did you try that?

If you need a different "Menu-ItemID" for Records full-view, you can set a different MenuItem in Cobalt's type parameters. Do not point it to the usual Section list. You may setup a "Dummy" menuitem, then hide it from display in MenuItem parameter -> tab Link Type -> Display in Menu NO. Then your Record full-view has its own ItemID and context.

Answer on your questions: * Yes list is in modals, but without modules. * Yes I want to topen full record view in same modal. * I can't find this feature about component. I have pro version installed but not latest version, because subscription has ended. *

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
21 Sep 2016 13:57

How can I set different joomla template for Cobalt full record view? if it is possible I think to add some blacnk joomla template where I will display Cobalt record and hide modules and it may work.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Sep 2016 21:33

Giorgi625 on left collumn there is in middle text Archivio Notizie, when you press on it opens records list in modal,only cobalt tempalte file is rendered as it should. Then when you press on a title or a read more text you get full record view but there here is opened full joomla template I want to display only part which is in red box in middle.

I had a quick look onto your site and backend.
PS: Please, set login credentials private/hidden!

Giorgi625 Modals... I can't find this feature about component. I have Pro version installed but not latest version,

I am not sure about the inner/deeper links inside the modal. It might be a bug, or it simply lacks this kind of functionality. I have tried 2 different settings. The one with iframe seems to add an additional URL parameter ?ml=1... and the Colorbox mode does not add this parameter at all. The full-view opens without any lightbox.
On first sight, the iFrame mode looks promising, but it seems to change the URL later on.
Conclusion: I see no way by configuration to get the list and the full-view in the same modal.

Different workarounds and solutions

A. Why do you open the list in a modal anyway? Why not display it in a regular list and page. Then you can show the full-view in a modal. Exactly like you do it on your left sidebar.

B. Modify the Cobalt list template. Search the title and link output. Add the component view URL parameter &tmpl=component to the record link:
Result in frontend with SEF URLs on. A click opens the record without modules, footer and header etc.:

C. Similar to B. but with a special Joomla template and/or style!
Create a minimal Joomla template/style. Not required, but you might remove all module positions, keep component main area only. Then you would need a "Dummy" menuItem as well. You can hide it from display in MenuItem parametes -> Tab Link Type -> Display in Menu NO. Assign the special template style.
Important: Set this MenuItem in Cobalt Type parameter! Should work, but sounds like "overhead" ;)
Heads-up: Using a menuItem of type "External URL", has an impact on the SEF URL!

D. Even more Overhead ;) but you have asked for assigning a different Joomla template/style. There is a 3rd-party solution from RegularLabs: ATM See under URL matches

PS: In general, remember that Google might penalize "modals" and "popups" in the future. Also think about the user experience and modal display on mobile devices.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Sep 2016 21:56

BTW, I have noticed you did not set any MenuItemID parameters in your two Sections!? On purpose? As far as I know, this is a basic requirement and minimal setup. Maybe it has an impact on your current "doubled Modals" and link behavior.

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
23 Sep 2016 05:51

Thank you very much, &tmpl=component this solution worked as I wanted. If I will set MenuitemID it will break also record list view in modals, so I prefer to not to use this feature.

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