Total posts: 10
29 Apr 2015 07:24

Hello everyone,

Here is my simple question : can someone tell me where is the parameter to allow public view of items ?

Thanks in advance.

Last Modified: 17 Aug 2015

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
29 Apr 2015 23:48

Hello azrael007,

There are 2 related parameters.

1.) Type -> Submission behavior -> Who can view -> ACL selectbox

Sets the full view access rights. In your case: Set it to public.


Headsup: If you already have restricted records with a "wrong" ACL, you would have to edit the records and change the ACL in special-fields group.

2.) Section -> Properties -> Who can see restricted items in list -> ACL selectbox
Sets the list view access.

Total posts: 10
30 Apr 2015 16:23

Hi there,

I have the who can view on public and who can see restricted records in the list on public too.

What do you mean by ACL?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
30 Apr 2015 19:21

azrael007 I have the who can view on public and who can see restricted records in the list on public too.

Check the Records list in backend. See table column Access. Is there any other ACL listed than "public" ?

What do you see in frontend? Nothing? A Message?

What do you mean by ACL?

Access Control List contains one or more usergroups. Several places in backend have a selectbox to select 1 ACL. If your users/groups belong to a certain ACL, they have the right to VIEW something.

Total posts: 10
29 Jul 2015 21:06


Still not work. I cannot see item if im not the author or super admin. Please help. You can see on my site that item are not aviable for frontend public.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
31 Jul 2015 04:02

pepperstreet Check the Records list in backend. See table column Access. Is there any other ACL listed than "public" ?

Please, check your records in backend. What access is set for each record?

Also try another default list template. Anything displayed?

Total posts: 10
10 Aug 2015 17:23

Hello ,

My records have public access. I try with full article template to default.

Sqme problem again. Any idea?


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
11 Aug 2015 00:17

azrael007 My records have public access.

Salut! I see only 1 article on the list/map. Not multiple? Do you have more test records?
The full view link seems to be restricted. I am re-directed to the login form.

Would you mind to provide screenshots of the important parameters?

  • Section properties
  • Type Submission
  • Records list in backend, with column "Access"

Merci d'avance... ;)

Total posts: 10
14 Aug 2015 17:33

Hello or salut pepperstreet,

Je n'arrive pas à configurer correctement les parametres pour acceder en front end. Ci-dessous les screenshots ! Si tu as une idée pour débloquer la situation je suis preneur !

Merci 0



pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
15 Aug 2015 00:54

Salut! Please, keep posting on english ;)

IMHO, your screenshots and parameters look correct. Actually I have no further idea what could be the issue.

Some thoughts:

  • Do you have the latest Cobalt version, also Geo Field and Map template?
  • Did you test your access with a default list and default record templates?
  • Any Access restrictions on the category, or the menuItem?

Total posts: 13,748
17 Aug 2015 06:24

Check if article is published in DB manger. See published column. Also check expiration and created dates to be correct.

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