aacmn1 VIP
Total posts: 17
07 Mar 2015 20:48

Ok i think we are starting to get this,but in your how to create a custom template documents i read that you should not alter or delete the core items from the template. So now it seems that is what i want to do for one of the templates i want to remove the compare feature from the records list in the front so that i can use where it is located for a feild will this effect any other operations of the software? As an example what i want to do would be to float to the right of the Title output field a new field for an item Price but even when i turm the compare feature off the new field appears on the line below the title in stead of on the same line, so i figure that i have remove the compare output to be able to move this up.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
07 Mar 2015 22:13

aacmn1 i want to remove the compare feature from the records list in the front so that i can use where it is located for a feild will this effect any other operations of the software?

No. If you don't need the compare feature at all. Removing the markup in a template simply removes the output permanently. So, the related parameters in Cobalt backend do not have an effect anymore.

Hence, the "compare" feature is part of the "controls", which includes other features as well.

I don't think the controls button-group is the real culprit. Most likely you will still have the same issue, if you completely remove or reposition it.

CSS Tip: If your markup consists of the plain H2 heading followed by another element/field... and you want to float things on the same "line", you have to get rid of the H2 block display!

Try CSS property display: inline-block;
Sometimes this needs an additional width, too.

Alternatively you would have to build the "layout" with another markup. For instance with proper DIV containers, widths and floating. Most likely a job for your CSS grid of choice. i.e. bootstrap, foundation, uikit, skeleton and many others.

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