cns_webmaster VIP
Total posts: 21
22 Feb 2017 23:02


We've inherited a sysetm that uses cobalt 8 and right now I'm working on re-organizing some of the files back to what they are supposed to be. We have a template file that is located in joomla_root/templates/ folder that controls one of our cobalt 8 template for article view.

I was wondering where the system paths for /administrator/index.php?option=com_cobalt&view=templates would be stored? I checked the database and was not able to find anything. I'd like to move some files and change the PATHs of these so that they are back in the: joomla_root/components/com_cobalt/views/record/tmpl folder.

Is there a way to change the system path of a template in the back end rather than uninstalling/reinstalling?

Appreciate any help that can be provided.

Sincerely, Ryan UT CNS Web Team

Last Modified: 01 Mar 2017

Total posts: 13,748
01 Mar 2017 07:00

Please read this article

All templates created in those folders are save for newxt cobal updates and will not be lost.

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