darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
01 Dec 2014 10:28

Hi, Trying to order how fields are displayed in frontend from backend fields edit, the ordering not working, tried to select the field I like to put before and not affecting any ting, regarding the digits field filter the slider is not working, here is the URL http://index.gates2host.com/index.php/real-estate

the slider is not moving in the component view and it is not rendered in the module view. How can I fix that? Thank you.

Last Modified: 04 Dec 2014

Total posts: 13,748
02 Dec 2014 03:09

darkhoros regarding the digits field filter the slider is not working

That is because you have collisions on the page. You have module filters (2) and filters (1) on the same page. Those create the same ID elements and the same JS.


darkhoros Trying to order how fields are displayed in frontend from backend fields edit, the ordering not working

Do you mean that you order fields in backend and it does not reflect on frontend?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
02 Dec 2014 03:14

I think this is an issue with multiple filter display.
For example, the Digits field "price" is shown in the filter module AND also on the advanced search area (above the list view). This will lead to errors.

You should hide the respective field from the adv. search area. Or even remove/disable the complete area, if you prefer a module position.

Total posts: 13,748
02 Dec 2014 03:34

BTW you can disable adv. search in section parameters -> Markup template parameters.

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
03 Dec 2014 15:42

Ok, I have disabled the filter module and the price slider is not working??? So it is not related to mulitple filter display.

Also The tag dose not aaccept non english words, I can add english words in tags but nor arabic words, if I enter arabic words the I click apply or save and exit it is gone, and if I open the item page the arabic word is not there. Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
04 Dec 2014 04:57

Can you give a link to your site? I suspect you have some JS error by other extensions that breaks the JS code of cobalt.

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
04 Dec 2014 07:41


Also, I am unable to reorder my fields? tried every thing, no joy. Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
04 Dec 2014 09:50

The map should be on у homepage or by some link like real-estate? i do not see map template connected.

darkhoros Also, I am unable to reorder my fields?

What is the problem with reorder? You cannot reorder or after reorder it does not apply?

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
04 Dec 2014 20:51

I have assigned map template, and when I was testing it was assigned, I just changed it to check some thing else, it is now active for you to check, and I CAN NOT reorder, it never changes.

This is very critical for me. Thank you.

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
04 Dec 2014 21:18

Also please note the problem is not related to the map, it is related to the digits field that the slider in the main filter area in not sliding/working, try moving the slider.

Thank you.

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
04 Dec 2014 21:23

Never mind, it was not working as there was only 1 record with one price, when I added another record it is working now. Regards.

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