iqtoday VIP
Total posts: 2
29 Nov 2015 01:03

I have been supporting you for years now withput using your compnnent, hoping that one day you will realize that presentation and layout of a website is very important. Even when you have the most powerful product it does not matter if it does look good. I sya this from the bootom of my heart to the people that produce one ofthe most powerful extension "WAKE UP "

Total posts: 13,748
29 Nov 2015 06:18

I can fill your pain. To me this is also most complicated subject.

Our concept is not to take over how it looks. We want it this to look good on every template, that is why we utilize Joomla's Bootstrap. So now when every template provider ignore this fact and include their own CSS library it is very hard to create layout that would automaticaly adjust to any template.

And if we gonna use our own CSS, we might create great look on Protostar but absolutely unacceptable view on some other templates.

That is why our concept is to provide a tool to manage templates. You create/modify template as you like and you do not loos your changes on update. We thought that this is most productive way for now.

What would be your suggestions?

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