Total posts: 12
10 Jul 2014 17:37

Hello Guys

I have been asked to put a sitewide search feature but until now I just found a cobalt Module filter and in that feature I have to pick a section

is there something I can do to achieve that goal.

any help would be very much appreciated

Last Modified: 11 Jul 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Jul 2014 23:56

Do you already have multiple sections on the site? Then you have a limitation for Cobalt advanced search & filters. Everything works per section. Same applies to Filters module.

Remember, a section may have multiple content-types! So, you might re-structure and setup your content this way. Hence section parameters for search behavior.

In any case, there is also J! core search & smart search support. See Extensions -> Plugin Manager There is "Search - Cobalt" and "Smart Search - Cobalt". Certainly this will lead to a different J! search results page. It is not a Cobalt filtered list.

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