hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
10 Oct 2014 09:48

Hi Sergey,

I could not understand how to sort the plans on this page. As far as I understood, they are sorted alphabetically according to the group name. Is it possible to sort these plans according to group order defined on groups page?


Last Modified: 12 Oct 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Oct 2014 18:51

Maybe a template/display issue? I can`t see the small sorting-order icons (arrows) in your screenshot. As far as I can tell, it works as it should.

  • First order is by GROUP.
  • Second order is by the PLAN
    (you have to CLICK manual oder column first, works for me except for changing ASC/DESC)
  • Changes are saved immediately. Frontend reload displays the new order accordingly.

Bildschirmfoto 2014-10-10 um 20.36.17

Bildschirmfoto 2014-10-10 um 20.37.48

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
11 Oct 2014 06:51

Hi pepperstreet, I can only do the sorting between the plans that belong to the same group. But I cannot change the ordering of the groups on tis page. On the screenshot that you uploaded, can you place group 2 items below group one items? Alphabetically group 2 comes before group one so it automatically sorts on top.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
11 Oct 2014 14:11

hakana I can only do the sorting between the plans that belong to the same group

Yes, that is the right behavior. It works like any other drag'N'drop action in Joomla. It is a core feature.
Actually, it would not make any sense to move a plan between different groups. (It is not a feature to apply a group, it is just about ordering the single items.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
11 Oct 2014 20:19

Pepperstreet, we could not undertand each other well. When I sort the groups, the plan will come to the right place as I have marked with red above. What I say is, the current group sorting is alphabetical. What I want is to sort the plan groups according to the sort order in the group settings page. Here I have no option to change the group order. It seems like I want to sort the plan, but actually I want to sort the groups.

Shortly: I want the groups to be sorted as the sort order in the group settings. Not alphabetical.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
11 Oct 2014 20:24

pepperstreet * First order is by GROUP.
* Second order is by the PLAN

First order is by GROUP (alphabetical)

What I want is: First order is by GROUP (according to group order in the group settings)

Isn't it more logical?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
11 Oct 2014 22:09

hakana First order is by GROUP (alphabetical)

I see. Did not notice that it always reverts to Group (alphabetical) in backend.
I focused separately on both backend lists, and checked the frontend result.

hakana First order is by GROUP (alphabetical)> Isn't it more logical?

Maybe yes. If it would take that manual Group Order as a basis.

In most cases the up/down arrows represent ASC/DESC for alphabetical order. Only the DragNDrop column is a special order. But the group column is no DragNDrop column in the plans list ;)

Mayba @Sergey can tell his opinion... and if it is a simple task to have the manual order as the default for that column.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Oct 2014 03:22

hakana What I want is: First order is by GROUP (according to group order in the group settings)

Yes, this make sense. Fixed.

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