Total posts: 4
22 Nov 2013 03:52

I registered as new user. The bought a subscription and activated everything. But as this new user I am not allowed to access the "Share with other users" button, it says that I do not have enough permissions. Surely I bought the sub, so I should ahve this info, or am I mssing something.

At this page: ;subscr_id=7

I get system message:


You try to access page that is accessible only for moderators. You have not enough rights.

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 4
22 Nov 2013 03:56

I found the setting, but this is problem. I only want Super user to be able to access the control and not any registered users - can this be achieved?

Total posts: 13,748
24 Nov 2013 23:43

Mua is for subscriber. They do have to have access to manage Multiple User Access because it is their subscription and only they decide whom to give this access.

I checked and found the error. I'll fix it and release new version today.

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