ron.du VIP
Total posts: 113
13 Sep 2012 05:30

from cobalt packer section i can build new pack. but cant download anything. it shows biulds version ( build 1.. build2..) but in download column there are no builds for download. is it bug? or i missed anything?

i have created packer name. selected section before creating a build.

can any1 help regarding this issue?


Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
13 Sep 2012 07:45

Check if you have anything in jroot/cache folder. The pack created there. May be you will need to add additional rights to this folder.

ron.du VIP
Total posts: 113
13 Sep 2012 07:52


yes i can see all 12 packs in cache folder :) strange why these packs are not downloadable directly from backend?

Total posts: 13,748
13 Sep 2012 08:07

It should be :) I'll check that. please also update Cobalt to latest version. We release new version every Thursday. Means today there is one :)

Total posts: 13,748
13 Sep 2012 20:52

Thank you fo appreciation.

To solve template frameworks issues you have to create template overrides. Because template providers require it by way they organize their framework. Instead of formatting core Joomla HTML markup and CSS classes, they have created overrides for every Joomla component and layout with their own markup and CSS classes.

That simply means that any other extension have to be formated that way to be displayed correctly.

I am sorry for that experience. But I am sure you will have the same problem with almost all other big extensions like Cobalt. For example Hikashop. It looks ugly in RT templates. And in others too.

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