ron.du VIP
Total posts: 113
09 Jun 2013 01:33

case: i want to create more than 200 sections . every section must have 50 to 200 categories each ( varies for different sections ). In most case category names are same ( also same post types will be use for whole sections ) .

say i have 200 different section. a common category say BOOKs for all section. this BOOK category is same for all section or it will act as a different category for different section?

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

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Total posts: 13,748
09 Jun 2013 22:38

Unfortunately there is no category sare feature.

But you case sounds like you can use one section and simply add select field to your type with 200 values. Then you will be able to see all records of any value (section) by simply filtering by this field.

Total posts: 13,748
10 Jun 2013 03:57

If you have country as select field you still can create links that show only records of particular country. You can do it with pre filtered links.

This will be better ont only because you do not need to create so many sections and the same category structure but also this approach will allow user to search for articles in all countries.

For example I am In kyrgysztan but Kazakhstan is just 1 hour drive. So I may look in both countries at the same time.

This also will simplify support.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
11 Jun 2013 15:36

Don't know if the country is really what you mean or if it's just an example, but you can also redirect users based on their IP or browser language... to pre-filtered Cobalt links

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