hwdevteam VIP
Total posts: 76
11 Feb 2014 07:25

This is a new issue for us. Joomla 3.2.1 - Cobalt from about a month ago. I set Joomla to GMT instead of +10 hours (Sydney Australia) but it still happens in some sections.


Last Modified: 07 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
11 Feb 2014 07:48

in some sections.

Not in all sections?

hwdevteam VIP
Total posts: 76
12 Feb 2014 23:13

Hmm. It was across all sections. It was fixed by setting Joomla to UTC.

The bug report we received was mis-attributed to Cobalt - it was actually EasyBlog lol..

Total posts: 13,748
13 Feb 2014 02:19

hwdevteam VIP
Total posts: 76
16 Feb 2014 16:49

Just to clarify - the problem WAS present in Cobalt, but was fixed by setting the Joomla time zone to UTC - the server had been set to Sydney Australia and I suspect the two were double adding..

This did not however fix the problem for EasyBlog...

I am wondering whether the Server should be set to UTC and Joomla set to Sydney..

Anyone who knows this answer pls let me know! :)

Total posts: 13,748
17 Feb 2014 00:00

I am wondering whether the Server should be set to UTC and Joomla set to Sydney..

I think this is way to go.

hwdevteam VIP
Total posts: 76
17 Feb 2014 17:40

Thanks! - Will do.

hwdevteam VIP
Total posts: 76
20 Feb 2014 04:18

For the record:

  1. Server should be set to Location (not UTC)

  2. Joomla should be set to Location (not UTC)

  3. You can set Users to different TimeZones (they default to Joomla default by default ;)

  4. The time zone issue is a change that Joomla devs have made in V3? and EasyBlog updated 15 days ago, and Sergey is updating the change in Cobalt as we speak.

hwdevteam VIP
Total posts: 76
07 Mar 2014 13:29

Sergey and I resolved this by realising that our deployed build of Cobalt was prior to the fixes that are now in the system. I have updated that code and its now fine.

We do a lot of testing prior to launch, as do our clients, and when signed off we cannot update the code without another paid cycle of testing and deployment. So the weekly updates are great, until testing is completed, and the site is deployed.

Total posts: 13,748
07 Mar 2014 13:33


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