switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
08 Aug 2012 03:32

Hello I looked at all Bug related topics about the Ordering of fields but couldnt find my problem.

I have about 10 fields. and about 4 different groups. I am trying to order my fields in a spacific order but they fight me every step of the way.

I would try to go into the field itself and change the ordering there but its messed up in there as well. there no way to know what order anything is.

I tried using the arrows but the field move out of the way I want them. I tried numbering everything in order but it doesnt work ether.

You can login to the site I am testing here

Hidden text

I am trying to sort the fields in the "Games" Type" in this spacific Order.








App will use



Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
08 Aug 2012 04:31

First what you have to do is to save order.

After that all fields orderings will be recalculated. After that you may use arrows. The explicit ordering set this entering ordering number does not work.

Total posts: 13,748
08 Aug 2012 04:36

Ok. I have loged in and what I have found that your field groups was not ordered. 2 of your groups had 0 ordering.

You had to save ordering of the groups.

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
08 Aug 2012 05:19

Oh ok, I thought I did this but I might have click the disk twice before making changes. Thanks.

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
14 Aug 2012 00:43

I am noticing something now sorting with a lot of groups. I made one type full of many Groups but now I need to add a field to the bottom but I can't, no new field I make has any arrows no matter how many times I save the order. I think groups are always last which is going to make it hard to style Types. I think for now I can Ungroup everything, organize then, then regroup them but this might be a Bug.

Total posts: 13,748
14 Aug 2012 01:00

The arrows are per group. If you have only 1 field in the group you cannot order it. If you have at least 2 then you can order them and change their positions.

Other words ordering os working only within group.

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
14 Aug 2012 01:11

Yes I know that but even when I had 2 non-grouped fields they would not be able to go below the other grouped fields. They would be able to order between those 2 Non-Grouped feidls but they remain at the top of the list can't get them to the bottom.

Total posts: 13,748
14 Aug 2012 20:41

It is not a bug.

You always see first ungrouped field. You cannot get them below grouped field. You cannot place ungrouped fields between other groups. Because groups also have ordering. It you want ungrouped field be below grouped, just create another group and position it below group you need and move fields there.

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
15 Aug 2012 00:45

The only problem with that is this will create a New Tab which I don't want, i am trying to get this field below all the tabs so it appears at the bottom. This should function with a little more flexibility.

Total posts: 13,748
15 Aug 2012 01:00

THen you have to edit form template and mode part that cycle ungrouped fields under grouped fields.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
15 Aug 2012 02:09

I would suggest to make a new group and put all the fields you want to appear after the last Tab into this new group.

Now you have to copy your article template and make a small modification, which checks for this new Tab and will ignore the creation of a Tab control for this new Tab, so that your field will be displayed after the last Tabber in a normal way.

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