switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
13 Aug 2016 22:06

Hello, I have a small issue I am just curious about. When I set my Labels to break they don't in any template. They just squeeze closer together. I see bootstrap is keeping this aligned when you do not use Break label but when I edit bootstrap and remove the things keeping the Labels from Breaking (float:left;text-allign:right) the fields that are not set to break become miss alligned.

I really don't know who to fix this, any solutions?

Last Modified: 16 Aug 2016

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
14 Aug 2016 12:16

Hello switchblade1984, would you mind to provide screenshots and more details about what you have modified? Also provide template/framework infos. Thanks in advance.

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
15 Aug 2016 22:20

Hello, I came up with a workaround.

This is all using the Blog Template in List view.

So my main issue was in the list view and I just realized that the Label Break option is just for full view but it would still move in list view with this option selected but just move closer to the label.

My workaround was to just delete the lines from bootstrap.min.css float:left and text-align:right. The way to fix the none break labels I have set is to make 2 custom classes in my template to apply to each fields Class and Label Class. One for whatever Type I want effected and its label.

.cobaltfieldclass {


.cobaltfieldclasslabel { float:left; }

For some reason its not until I add the class with nothing in to the Field Class, does it go back to normal.

This is probably the roughneck approch to something simple I could have done with the template but its the only way I could fix it for now.

Total posts: 13,748
16 Aug 2016 08:15

All render parameter are tricky. I mean, that line break might depend on so many conditions. So it is there and it is inherited from Mighty Resources and it is checked in protostar. there is no guaranty that this will work in other templates. Perhaps you will need some additional CSS customizations for it to work.

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