stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
09 Jan 2013 09:37

I noticed you changed your support login to social.

1 - Does it have any advantage? I mean i've heard that is not recommended because the user doesn't really appear registered on the site... it just logs the session.

2 - If i sign in using google, and another day sign using facebook, will i appear as the same username? What's based on? the e-mail?


Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
09 Jan 2013 10:00

1 - Does it have any advantage? I mean i've heard that is not recommended because the user doesn't really appear registered on the site... it just logs the session.

In fact we do save or register user in the system. We only do not know hist password and use social services to confirm to start session. But we do have users in users table.

1 - Does it have any advantage? I mean i've heard that is not recommended because the user doesn't really appear registered on the site... it just logs the session.

2 - If i sign in using google, and another day sign using facebook, will i appear as the same username? What's based on? the e-mail?

There is special system to link your accounts to single account. No matter how you login you always one person. But we do not have this system on purpose. But it is possible.

The other thing that AngelDesk is made with zend framework and is standalone application having nothing to do with Joomla.

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