stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
23 Nov 2012 11:21



Section1 - Type1

-- field name: "Title"

-- field name: "Company"

Section2 - Type2

-- field name: "Title"

-- field name: "Company"

So it's 2 different sections, 2 different types, but the field names are equal

1 - When using simple(text box) or advanced search, Cobalt will retrieve search results from both sections or the current section ?

I believe Cobalt has multi-type search, and not a multi-section search correct?

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
23 Nov 2012 16:46

I believe Cobalt has multi-type search, and not a multi-section search correct?

Correct. The search always apply to a SECTION and the related TYPES. You can define also your individual SECTION parameters for the search behaviour.

Please see this article about the search here.

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