stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
20 Nov 2012 10:36


I'm building a landing page offering some advantages to the user if he inserts the company before the website goes live.

This landing page will consist in 3 pages.

1 - Register (i wanted to skip this one and include the registration on the add record, posted the question on another topic to see if its possible)

2 - After login the user is directed to the record add entry to fill the data.

3 - After submiting the form go to another page with a facebook like button so the user can LIKE.

I'm thinking of this not to launch the website with empty content, allowing the companies to insert their data and make a LIKE because it will be granted some advantages (ie: featured) for facebook likes between a date range.

So i wanted to know the best way to achieve this.

Landing page will be launched first and as a different website because dont want to make any changes that unintencioanlly affect the landing page.

3 - When the website is complete all i have to do is install cobalt, ip2country, all fields, and import all cobalt data tables to the new website? Along with the directories where images were saved.

4 - Is the Multiple-level select field appropriate to insert Country-District-City ?

Choosing Brasil, shows every district from brasil, selecting district1 shows only cities from district1.


Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
20 Nov 2012 21:45

4 - Is the Multiple-level select field appropriate to insert Country-District-City ?

Choosing Brasil, shows every district from brasil, selecting district1 shows only cities from district1.

That is what multilevelselect is for. But in this particular case there is a need for DB. YOu either have to create that DB in the field or if you have external DB may be it is even beter to create this field as separate. But as I said if you are able to transfer Country/state/city/ DB into _js_res_field_miltilevelselect then it will work.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
21 Nov 2012 06:58

Thank you!

And the import from another cobalt site? just restore the Cobalt datatables and folders with record images?

Total posts: 13,748
21 Nov 2012 07:25

You can use packer to pack and then install this pack to the other Cobalt instance.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
21 Nov 2012 09:32

Great! Thanks

Total posts: 13,748
21 Nov 2012 21:42

One thing here. Pack will not pack multilevelselect table. THis you wil have to transfer manually.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
22 Nov 2012 13:07

But there's an issue.

I want to use the field Address & Map. This field already uses city and state to help determine the adress entered although by the screenshots i can see it's a text field.

I could disable the country-state it but it could retrieve the incorrect adress.

This case will be for one country only but i want to implement further countries in the future.

1 - The multi-level select in this case will not help determine the location correct?

2 - I had a few problems in the past with Google Maps retrieving correct information when the user inserts the building number in the field adress. This happens no more ?

Total posts: 13,748
22 Nov 2012 19:33

1 - The multi-level select in this case will not help determine the location correct?

Nothing outside geo field will influence location (unless custom developed)

1 - The multi-level select in this case will not help determine the location correct?

2 - I had a few problems in the past with Google Maps retrieving correct information when the user inserts the building number in the field adress. This happens no more ?

Geocoding never was very reliable process. I cannot warranty. But I can promise that if there is an issue and it is fixable, we will fix it shortly.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Nov 2012 22:06


1 - The multi-level select in this case will not help determine the location correct?

Nothing outside geo field will influence location (unless custom developed) [/quote]

I remember, ME Resources was able to feed the location field from different sources! i.e. separate Text fields. Would you mind to add this feature again?! In addition to Cobalt fields, it would be cool to map J! core Profile Plugin fields, and also CB or Jomsocial ;-)

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
23 Nov 2012 08:45

Well, adding the multi-level select for country-state-city is very useful because we could filter content by geo-reference without the annoying part of users inserting incorrect or mispeled information.

But adding the multi-level select to the user and aftwerwards ask again for the country/state/city could be misunderstood by certain users, alright it's just a few seconds to insert the data again but it could be avoided.

So yes, it would be great as Maik said that the field Address & Map could retrieve location from other fields like SOBI does.

For now, since it's only one country i will only activate the State in the field Address & Map which should be enough to retrieve the location along with the adress.


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