stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
20 Nov 2012 08:49


It would be great that Cobalt would allow (if already doesn't, but i believe not) 1 page registration and add record.

Of course this is only pratical for using only with one record.

cobalt already has the e-mail field which can be used for user notifications, but does not register the user. The password field could also be used to create user password.

For websites that only allow one entry per user (companies directory listing mostly) is very pratical. However on websites that allow multiple entries there should be a way to confirm via ajax if the user e-mail is already registered and set the warning.

To make it pratical i believe it would be that when user press the button "add record" the e-mail field be the first field and password the second field. Of course they should only appear if the user isn't already logged in.

When user inserts the e-mail field and go for password, to automatically check if that e-mail is already on the user database.

If it is, popup a message warning to log-in first.

Since this way it does not require e-mail activation necessarily, it would be great that the e-mail field would have an option to confirm the e-mail threw another "e-mail repeat" field.

Just a thought.

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
20 Nov 2012 21:49

Cobalt already may limit only to one article. But to use article submission form as registration form it is something new. But it make sense in cases like you described. If you want another company then you just create another account.

Let's think more about this and listed to other's opinion.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Nov 2012 01:45

Interesting use-case ...

I reminds me on my own ideas about Cobalt/Resources to use it as a form builder. More or less it is one, except for some typical features of other components (ChronoForms; RSforms; Fabrik; BreezingForms etc.)

Those typical features are:

1.) display form in content via content-plugin (or anywhere via system-plugin)

2.) read and write other DB tables (allow custom code/scripts, access to J! or external DB)

3.) display form in a module

4.) export entries to CSV (fronted and backend)

Regarding #1 and #2

Those features would allow Cobalt to be displayed in any context AND it would allow to integrate with any other extension. It could retrieve and update other tables and user data e.g. :

  • serve as a register form (just the minimal user-account fields for a user incl. usergroup selection)
  • serve as an extended profile form with any type of fields (inkl. multimedia!, other realted types etc.)

Since all this is not possible, yet ...

two other weird ideas and workarounds:

A.) You could utilize another form builder to build something similar. As far as i know, "RSforms PRO" can serve as a J! register form. It has a normal Content-Plugin AND a 2nd System-Plugin, that calls a form with the following syntax {myRSform1} in any place. You can add this anywhere in your Cobalt template. (Otherwise you would have to call a respective Content-plugin via PHP).

B.) Joomla core login OR 3rdParty form module

Try to put your register form/login in a module position. Either yout template module positions are flexible enough ... or just show your module(position) with core LoadModule/Position. Put the respective code in your template... Or do it with simple plugin Syntax and "ModulesAnywhere" ...

Confused? ;-)

Total posts: 13,748
21 Nov 2012 02:24

Tons of ideas as usual, Maik :)

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
21 Nov 2012 09:55

Thanks for the feedback Sergey and Maik!


A) I know RSForms PRO and Breezing Forms allow joomla registration in their forms, but i believe there's a problem for non-php users. They both have a submit form button that submit the values to the DB, Cobalt has its own submit button. So the form would appear with 2 submit buttons ?

However u mentioned one thing that i believe could largely power up Cobalt.

Table-column connector field

Allowing field to save the content in other component tables with the possibility to set the encryption (MD5 in case of password) and with validation to make sure the value inserted by the user is correctly inserted in Table. Also allowing to display the field to J!Usergroups or Emerald Subscription (If Emerald it would also be an advantage for MintJoomla to attract subscriptions)

1 - This would allow register on add record

2 - Integration with almost every component out there

3 - Also could allow the user to make it all in one form. Register, add record and subscribe for Emerald or other subscription component.

Cobalt can pull data from other components/fields via SQL code, now it needs to wright data on them. Even if it's by using SQL code, it would be nice.

I know Mintjoomla team is working on Cobalt8 and Emerald. They have their work. But it would be nice that Cobalt users gather up for hiring freelance services for specific fields that cobalt doesn't have.

A field like this could cost for example 80$ (example). If 4 users see an advantage on having, it would be like 20$ each. I don't want to make money from it.. or instead set a donation button, or charge like 3$ or 4$ for download to pay for the freelance service.. doesn't matter. It would be available to the Cobalt community.

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