stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
10 Nov 2012 13:15

I want to create a website that records every click the user does.

There are 2 main views:

Category: a list of usernames ordered by "who made more clicks on a 7-day range" (don't confuse with amout of hits), and on the side of the username will be the amount of clicks he made today, the amount of clicks he received today and a checkmark showing if i already clicked that username links today.

Username: When on category listing and pressing a specific username it must show that username links. Below this links must show a list of usernames that pressed his links, the amount of links they pressed and a checkmark showing if the current username profile has clicked his links.

Let me explain this last funcionality. Imagine i post my links. I will have my profile page with my posted links inside for other users to press on them everyday. Below the list of links will be a list of usernames that pressed on my links today, and a checkmark showing if i already "thanked them" (pressed his links).

It's like a traffic exchange, i press other user links and they press on mine, but recording the amount of clicks that the users made today.

I know cobalt offers most of the features i want, but i also know that perhaps the click recording may not be possible ?


Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
10 Nov 2012 17:14

click recording may not be possible

Almost everything is possible ... Maybe something not out of the box, but with additional templates/fields it can be achieved.

For your scenario you can use the URL field and add additional output templates with the "click recording functionality" to it.

Studying this article might be a good start ... :D

Total posts: 13,748
11 Nov 2012 07:53

I do not think it is task for Cobalt. What if you have other extension? Or clicks in menu?

Have you every seen Google Analytics click map? It shows your site and how many what link and so on. I think what you need is a small JavaScript library that can track clicks on your site.

Since it is JS it will not require Joomla integration and you will be able to adopt any script. Just small Google search on first page

If this one does not do what you need there are plenty of others I am sure.

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