stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
06 Jul 2013 15:14

Would it decrease speed to record the amount of times that a field_e-mail was used?

For business listings for example, specially under membership bases, there are clients that like to "argue" about if there really is any advantage in subscribing our sites (specially those who use Cobalt for their own sites, but for clients that provide this services they will love the idea too).

You may say "ok... he can go to his outlook folder and search" but that's on the client side, not on ours, he can now how many e-mails he got but we don't.

There are two examples how to show this to the public/client:

1 - Subscribe our membership and get your features up and running

2 - Subscribe our membership and get your features up and running. People who subscribe our membership get more 60% e-mail requests

Number 2 is far more appealing, e-mail contacts is what many companies want.

Another subject is to show this (graphically speaking) to the clients, we can show screenshots on the website about how a membership listing can evolve (in terms of hits,e-mails, followers, etc) compared to a free listing... we all love that. Cobalt already can show the amount of many things, but e-mails does not.

If there would be an option to see how many e-mails were sent using the mail form of a specific record, for now (Cobalt 8 or 9), it would be great.

Anyway i created an image but as you may see this is not only regarding e-mail but also as a suggestion, even if its scheluded to Cobalt10. For user (only to see his data) and for Admin (to consult by listing name). This is not Google analytics that have date range for every single day, but something that could gather information based on a specific period, in the image is 7 day range.

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
08 Jul 2013 05:59

If you read Cobalt 9 road map you will see analytics section there. We want to add analytics to Cobalt to show all sort of information just like it was in Mighty Analytics on Mighty extensions.

We did not think about amount of emails sent but this is hood point. We will add additional table to collect this kind of data to create reports.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
08 Jul 2013 08:56

Thank you! I already had seen it but did not remember that had statistics in it.

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