stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
17 Jan 2013 17:22

I know that fabrik has this funcionality, would love to see it in Cobalt.

Field A has a + button on the right side to insert aditional info exactly like field A.

For example using Cobalt for Job application with the field "School".

The user sees School and on the right side has "add another school" button which creates another field.

I believe that it could be stored on the same field, separated by an element so that it can be filtered.

Although i believe it would be more appliable to Group of fields. Using the same example above:

Group A:

School field



Pressing button to "add another group"(school, in this case) replicates all 3 fields.

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
17 Jan 2013 23:42

hmm .. like for the School example , it should be in the same field "School" .. Maybe the Multiple select field with the ability to add new values should be the answer for this ...

For me it would not make any sense to create individual fields per every content, but maybe i did not get it right.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
17 Jan 2013 23:46

for the group, no need to create another group, just store the individual data in the same field like

Record 1)

School = Teddy Newman School

Year = 2000

Grade = 3

Record 2)

School= Paris High School

Year = 1999

Grade = 2


If the field does not exist in the multiple select field, just add it through the "New value" function

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Jan 2013 17:17

Currently, there are neither conditional fields, nor repeatable fields. Not sure, if Cobalt structure and logic can be extended with this kind of functionality. Would be nice... and there was already a topic/request for it.

As far as I understand your input and display, you want to enter multiple "rows" of the same 3 fields. You might use workarounds like these:

  • A) as "sackgesicht" mentioned above

  • B) create a fixed amount of Select fields (i.e. 5 groups, field layout in a grid-style or table, maybe with custom template and separate field output)

  • C) Multi Level Select field (with Add-Your-Variants for all 3 levels, display all values in article)

  • D) Relation field. Outsource all 3 education fields into an extra content-type. Set to current user. Create a simple table/list template as an override.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
17 Mar 2013 11:40


How did it turn out for you? Did you have success with one of my "workarounds" ?

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
18 Mar 2013 09:50


Well this is an option to an yet-to-implement portal i wish to build. Since i have another project on the way its on standby.

Anyway in this case, the multi-level select would eventually work but there's a problem. For example, the grade... it's allowed for the user to search for example, which students had grade 18 at a specific class, but it does not allow the user to search students that had grades between 14-18.

So i believe the relation field would be the best case. I never used this field but for what i've seen i believe it allows to insert a type into another type.

As long as it would be also searchable, preferebly on the same "search page" would do the job.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Mar 2013 12:04

As long as it would be also searchable, preferebly on the same "search page" would do the job.

Thanks for your infos and response. Good point: Did not test the search and filter display, yet. A very crucial question. Hopefully it works this way. Maybe dependent on the storage location (category?). Since Cobalt is multi-type friendly, I assume that there is no problem.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
18 Mar 2013 16:12

I still believe that the conditional fields would not be a 10% increase on Cobalt funcionality but more like 20-30%.

Rules for:

1 - option to insert button to unlock next field or next group (aka an "add another field" or "add another group of fields" button).

2 - option to unlock field X with a specific option selected

Would allow Cobalt to do anything.

Although there are more fields to improve... at my point.. more crucial for users that use Emerald.

For example i cannot limit a specific subscriber to X uploads on the images/uploads field. I can only limit the uploads applied to ALL subscribers.

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