11 Nov 2017 02:28

good day, we have a few issues

1) we require the ELAVON payment gateway.

2) how do we get Emerald to use customer data from their hikashop accounts? a. customer address from hikashop b. hikashop tax rates based on shipping address

Last Modified: 07 Dec 2017

Total posts: 2
20 Nov 2017 20:06

I desperately need this information.

thank you!

Total posts: 13,748
07 Dec 2017 14:46

Guest 2) how do we get Emerald to use customer data from their hikashop accounts? a. customer address from hikashop b. hikashop tax rates based on shipping address

You cannot do that. Becuae user do nto pay through Emerald, Emerald does not handle invoices. Only create subscriptions for users. Invoices are in order history of Hikashop.

Guest 1) we require the ELAVON payment gateway.

I was looking through their site and found nothing to make a statement if I can do that or not. reffer me to developer documentation and I'll have a look.

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