20 Jan 2014 09:49

I don't know if others are also getting any issue with emerald subscription during registration process.

Here is the scenario:

User enters all registration requirements detail during registration process

They select the subscription Plan

then they buy


Now the issues are:

User does not get any email for confirmation (Here there should be a flag in emerald to switch on or off, on means should get email and off means will not get any email) -

The interesting thing is user is created in the backend, however his account is not confirmed or activated in the joomla backend.

Now the admin has to manually enable his account in the backend

Another thing is the user's subscription is successfully created after the payment - which I think should be ok

My point here is if you want to bypass the email confirmation step, then the user should be automatically enabled and activated in the backend. Manually activating the user in backend by admin is a pain.

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
20 Jan 2014 23:23

Confirmation email is send by core Joomla user plugin. Please make sure it is ordered before Emerald user plugin. Then email will be sent before Emerald redirect to payment gateway. And user will be able to self confirm.

21 Jan 2014 02:00

Thanks, I will. try as per your suggestion.

21 Jan 2014 15:18

Hi Sergey,

I tried as per your suggestion. But it is not working. The user does not get any email for activation. I have also placed joomla user plugin before emerald. I think it could be a bug,


Total posts: 13,748
22 Jan 2014 03:55

Yes, it happens that field redirects before email is sent. And I cannot do anything about that. This is because email send is not part of save process. It is part after save process. And save process trigger plan selector.

I do not see any resolution to this problem except copy email confirmation code inside Emerald plugin. I added it. Let's see if it will work.

23 Jan 2014 05:37

Is this going to be released today?

Total posts: 13,748
23 Jan 2014 06:48

ALready released.

23 Jan 2014 06:57

Thanks.I will test and let you know the result.

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