22 Jul 2014 08:06

Hi there I have 2 questions before buying Emerald 9.

  1. If I have read everything correctly, with the purchase of Emerald 9 and a couple of actions, I could set up subscriptions to JomSocial profiles and have payments go through my HikaShop extension, is that correct?
  2. If I purchase a Club membership, does that include the Emerald 9 package AND all of the separate pieces such as Actions, Restrictions, Integrations, and so on?

Thank you for your help,


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Jul 2014 08:43

2.) "During the membership you have access to all gateways, rule adapters, actions and commercial integrations downloads under Emerald category."

Total posts: 13,748
22 Jul 2014 10:06

Yes and Yes

22 Jul 2014 17:03

pepperstreet 2.) "During the membership you have access to all gateways, rule adapters, actions and commercial integrations downloads under Emerald category."

The FAQ doesn't mention the main package itself. Just checking...


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