04 Jul 2012 17:49

I installed the package and see all the various objects in the extension manager (including the component), but it isn't in my component list? I am at a loss. I really want to try this out and see how I can use it.

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Official Answer

OK I made small research and it turned out to be well known Joomla bug.

You are right it is bug! This message basically happens because if an installation fails, a proper cleanup doesn't occur and the not installed extension's menu entry is left in place.

How to resolve

  1. Please check you have latest Joomla 2.5 (not 1.6 or 1.7)

  2. Run this query

DELETE FROM `jos_menu` WHERE `link` LIKE "index.php?option=com_cobalt%"

Do not forget to change jos_ to your prefix.

  1. Check if jos_menu table have root record ID 1, If not add it.
INSERT INTO `jos_menu`

VALUES ( 1, '', 'Menu_Item_Root', 'root', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, '', 0, '', 0, 281, 0, '*', 0 ) ;
  1. Make sure you have solved all file permission problems. The best and most secure way to go if to enable FTP in global Joomla config and make sure all files and folders are owned by this FTP user. Or give enough write permissions to folders and note who is an owner. Because when Joomla istall without FTP it tris to move file as php or apache user.

  2. Try again.

In the meanwhile we will try to think something that could handle this behavior from our side.

04 Jul 2012 18:32

After uninstalling and reinstalling I get an error that says the admin item has the same alias. This is after uninstalling through joomla AND deleting the Cobalt component folder.

05 Jul 2012 09:31

If the component is still installed on the site try to iverwrite all files by installing one more installtion package. If error persists please provide us link to the administrator panel in the private comment.

After uninstalling and reinstalling I get an error that says the admin item has the same alias. This is after uninstalling through joomla AND deleting the Cobalt component folder.

Joomla has table with all aliases of the site. You need open it and delete record with Cobalt. Please be carefull and don`t touch any others aliases as it can break work of the others components.

The table is called #_menu

Total posts: 13,748
06 Jul 2012 00:12

Also try to clean #_menu and #_extensions before installation. Ensure you have latest Joomla 2.5.6

Total posts: 13,748
06 Jul 2012 00:29

Also read this the same error

06 Jul 2012 20:55

I tried a clean install - same problem. Then I tried altering the code as Sergey suggested from the other post. Here is the error with the alias in the attached snapshot (after changing the menu.php file in the libraries joomla table folder).

Total posts: 13,748
07 Jul 2012 07:57

Then I have other task.

unzip cobalt package and try to install pack by pack and say what package in particular produce this error?

Total posts: 13,748
09 Jul 2012 06:12

How many other extensions you have installed there?

Total posts: 13,748
09 Jul 2012 20:16

Can you give us access to your backend. And FTP. We need something were we can have this problem.

11 Jul 2012 06:04

hello I have the same Trevis' problem.

12 Jul 2012 07:21

Had the same problem, solved it by manually editing the database. I looked up the ID of Cobalt in #_extensions. Then I manually entered this ID in all the records of #_menu.component_id where Cobalt was in the path (just do a filter).

Perhaps the problem began because my table-prefix is not JOS? I think this might be the problem, because the table #_mvc_ip2country was installed with this prefix hardcoded.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Jul 2012 09:03

Perhaps the problem began because my table-prefix is not JOS?

I have checked and there is no hardcoded jos_ in ip2country package.

Perhaps the problem began because my table-prefix is not JOS?

because the table #_mvc_ip2country was installed with this prefix hardcoded

This is not our table. We have _js_ip_2_country

Besides, problem happen on instalation of com_cobalt.v.7.****.zip which is inside cobalt installation pack. I am sure ip2country have nothing to do with this error.

If you look for "Error building Admin Menus" in Joomla bug tracker you will see the reason of this problem

What is your Joomla version?

@to all

This problem is hopefully solved. I mean it is not our problem but we added some installation script that clean up tables to avoid this Joomla error. Next release as usual on Friday.

13 Jul 2012 00:35

Hey Sergey,

Please let me clarify something. In my previous reaction I did not mean that the problem is caused by ip2country, I just thought it might be a similar problem. Because after installation of cobalt and the two required extra's (ip2country and mediamint) I found jos_mvc_ip2country in my database.

Anyhow: the problem in my case was that values were not set in the database during installation. And I really don't care who's to blame, I was just trying to help find a solution.

And btw. I really like this extension.

13 Jul 2012 00:37

Oh and for the record, I am on Joomla 2.5.6

Total posts: 13,748
13 Jul 2012 01:01

My message was not a defense. In no way I could consider your message a s blame.

I just wanted to report my findings.

The problem is that if you translate russian to English directly it sounds rude :) Even if you just want to say "Thank you".

I know you like Cobalt and i like you :) Just ignore when my messages sounds not really smoothy. Just remember it is not intentionally.

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