Total posts: 13,748
22 Mar 2012 23:17

I am not exactly sure what t is. It sounds like seblod has it is own user registration form. Or can add additional fields to joomla core user registration from.

In any case Cobalt do not o anything of this. Cobalt neither extends user registration or has its own user registration. Thus no user profiling system.

But we do plan tightly integrate Cobalt with other profiling systems like jomsocial, CB, ..

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
12 Apr 2012 00:22

Just an idea: Why not register with Joomla core or any other user extension... then use a special Cobalt section for "extended user-profiles". Remember, you can limit the entries to 1! ;-)

Total posts: 13,748
13 Apr 2012 02:53

Is it possible to show the J!usergroup selectbox at all?

Yes it is possible.

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