25 Sep 2012 05:45


Data to access the site:

Hidden text

I tried to submit my categories (190 of them) directly via MySQL - via a query like this:

INSERT INTO c8rx4_js_res_categories (id , asset_id , parent_id , lft , rgt , level , path , section_id , title , alias , note , description , image , published , checked_out , checked_out_time, access , params , metadesc , metakey , metadata , created_user_id , created_time , modified_user_id , modified_time , hits , language , num_current , num_all , relative_cats) VALUES ('187','0','1','187','188','1','f-a-fricosmos--1-100c','1', 'F A Fricosmos -1.100c','f-a-fricosmos--1-100c','','description','','1','{"submission":"1","category_itemid":"","category_item_itemid":"","orderby":"","records_mode":"","featured_first":"","tmpl_markup":"","tmpl_list":[""],"tmpl_filters":"","tmpl_category":"","tmpl_menu":"","tmpl_compare":""}','','4','','','','','','','','','','','','','');

I then corrected the params field which hadn't inserted correctly, but I can't get the categories to show. What did I do wrong this time, Sergey?

A sample MySQL entry looks like this in the actual database:

INSERT INTO c8rx4_js_res_categories VALUES (54, 0, 1, 54, 55, 1, 'f-a-coldline-1-103b', 1, 'F A Coldline 1.103b', 'f-a-coldline-1-103b', '', '

Machine ImageManufacturer: Coldline
Serial Code:
Handover Date:
Warranty Expiry Date:
Шкаф холодильный. A120/3M, габариты: 1480 x 715 x 2085 мм, потребл.мощность: 0.48 kW - 230/1/50, вместимость 1200л, GN 2/1 сокращен. - GN 1/1, температурный режим -2/+8 град.С, электронное управление, 2 двери с планкой для руч.запирания,противокап. устройство, работа при температуре окруж.среды до +43град.С, вентиляц.охлаждение, с автоматич. отаиванием и испарением талой воды, дополнительные принадлежности - 3 решетки GN 2/1, 3 комплекта направляющих, исполнение внутри и снаружи из хромоникел.стали


{easyfolderlistingpro method=''list''|folder=''documents/Machine1''}


', '', 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 4, '{"submission":"1","category_itemid":"","category_item_itemid":"","orderby":"","records_mode":"","featured_first":"","tmpl_markup":"","tmpl_list":[""],"tmpl_filters":"","tmpl_category":"","tmpl_menu":"","tmpl_compare":""}', '', '', '', 114, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, '', 0, 0, '');

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
25 Sep 2012 09:41

Without proper lft, rgt and parent_id it will not be shown.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Sep 2012 12:21

Related Question:

Will Cobalt8 include Import/Export tools in the initial release? I know, there were already topics about it, but I think this is so crucial for success, acceptance and . Especially because C8 will be the second major version. If it does not have this feature... Cobalt might lose credibility!

Total posts: 13,748
26 Sep 2012 02:47

OK... so they're incorrect? Should the lft and rgt be the same as in the assets table or is this table completely separate?

It have to have its own left and right. note there is record ID 1 named ROOT with is always first

Read this for more info

26 Sep 2012 08:23


From what I see in the other entries for other categories, its lft entry is always itself, is this right?

Total posts: 13,748
26 Sep 2012 09:03

its lft entry is always itself,

Please explain

26 Sep 2012 09:19

I meant the entry for lft is the id of the category itself. That's how it looked on the ones I saw.

And once again, is this only related to the _categories table? I mean it doesn't have anything to do with assets, right? I am asking because I am using Joomla ACL to organize access levels.

Total posts: 13,748
26 Sep 2012 21:07

As I have already mentioned Cobalt not yet support Joomla ACL. It means it does not matter if you store anything in assets table or not. It will have no impact on Cobalt behaviour.

деа is equal to ID may be because you somehow deleted first row of ID 1 with is name ROOT

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