29 Jan 2017 00:53


i am searching for an CCK for a news website. We using K2 right now, but we are not satisfied.

Does Cobalt8 increase the hit counter when caching is enabled? Some CCK's do so.

I am searching also for ability to place gallerys and upload videos without the dependency of a bunch of developers. Now we upload via the JCE Editor, but then you have to define a folder and the same for pictures placed in the content field. Best would be upload without thinking about such things.


Last Modified: 03 Feb 2017

Total posts: 13,748
01 Feb 2017 11:50

Cobalt do not use Joomla cache. If you have some specific cache like APC or memcache I do nto know the answer. But as far as I know Cobalt always increase hit.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
03 Feb 2017 22:20

Guest I am searching also for ability to place gallerys and upload videos without the dependency of a bunch of developers

I would consider the upcoming Joomla 3.7 core functionalities.
There are different possibilities and tools to migrate K2-items back to core articles.

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