20 May 2013 06:34

I just made a couple of templates for "filters module", nothing exciting... but they might come in handy and I am happy to share them here to give something back for the great support I am receiving form Sergey and the Cobalt community

NOTE: I added ome inline css styles to these 2 templates, just a few rules... anyway note that it would be better to create a class in your site template instead of using inline styles


template 1 - name : custom**

I deleted the filters name labels and created a more compact style, I also assigned full width to the "search" button - it supports responsive templates


template 2 - name : textsearch**

this is to be used only if you want to use the module for text search only

(no filters will be displaied, no matter what your module settings are)

I just aligned the "search" button to the right of the serach box to ahve a more compact look - it supports responsive templates

to use these 2 templates download them below,

unzip the archive and upload the 2 files to modules/mod_cobalt_filters/tmpl folder, then choose the template you want to use from your filters module settings

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
20 May 2013 06:55

thats the right spirit ... :D

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
20 May 2013 06:56

you make me happy, thank you very much

20 May 2013 07:05


clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
20 May 2013 07:11

thanks very gook work

Total posts: 13,748
20 May 2013 07:58


You can also post it on our site in Depot

20 May 2013 09:03


I thought that section was reserved to "real" extensions... but I am proud to see my little babies there ah ah :D

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
20 May 2013 18:56


21 May 2013 06:18

Hi Nican,

Is there any possibility to arrange these fields into number of columns? There is a lots of discussion on this in the following link +Cobalt+Release+-+Advanced+Search+not+working+-+Possibly+a+bug-3982.html


21 May 2013 06:35

I guess yes... but I don't know how to do it :S

21 May 2013 07:54


Total posts: 13,748
21 May 2013 08:03

21 May 2013 08:19

Sergey, You really rock my friend. I have not yet read this completely. But it looks great to start with.

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
21 May 2013 08:27

@Sergey: Thanks! :)

Brian Pat

Is there any possibility to arrange these fields into number of columns?

If you follow the code example (based on Bootstrap) Sergey has given you, a responsive(!) multiple column layout is possible.

Just make sure that the total of the span numbers is always 12

( )

2 columns:

 <div class="row-fluid">

        <div class="span6">

             Your code here...


        <div class="span6">

              Your code here...



3 columns:

 <div class="row-fluid">

        <div class="span4">

             Your code here...


        <div class="span4">

              Your code here...


        <div class="span4">

              Your code here...



Best Regards,


21 May 2013 09:43

Thanks Jeff, this is for explicit calling of field, not for for each loop. But anyway the new Tutorial by Sergey really helps.

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
21 May 2013 10:13


Thanks Jeff, this is for explicit calling of field, not for for each loop.

I know.

Hey, you could also try something crazy like:

I have tried it with template 1 nican has provided here, and it works! You will need some css tweaking though and reset the columns to 1 on smaller screen sizes....:)

21 May 2013 10:13


I tried as per your tutorial from above link. I must have done something very stupid. I am getting error now as below:

Fatal error: Call to a member function onRenderFilter() on a non-object in ***/modules/mod_cobalt_filters/tmpl/columnsimple.php

columnsimple.php is my template name. Any idea what went wrong.

Total posts: 13,748
21 May 2013 10:16

Attach this template here.

21 May 2013 10:23


21 May 2013 10:24

forgot to add, adding again.

Total posts: 13,748
21 May 2013 11:07

Аааа!! I see. They $keys_by_id wil be there in next version.

Please open module file mod_cobalt_filters.php and add to line 59

$keys_by_id = $model->getKeys($section);

And it should work.

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