09 May 2013 03:47

plese tell me if the following would work:

1 main section for italian AND english

set to "display only items in current language"

then when I insert an article I choose every time the article language (italian or english)

when I switch language will I then see only the articles submitted in that language?

this would require a lot less work then creating double sections/categories and double types...

and also I would be able to "save as copy" teh records fomr a langauge to another, without having to uplaod again photos and recreat again the contents that do not need to be translated.

Thank you


Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
09 May 2013 07:10

Yes this will work.

This is called mixed mode when section and types are mirrored translation but articles are paralleled.

09 May 2013 07:48

oook, that would be a really nice solution :D

so i can go on even if falang is not working for records translation right now, I can still use it for everything else

just waiting to download latest cobalt with the fix you describe here +is+%22language%22+parameter+for+single+record%3F-3896.html

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