29 Jan 2013 15:20


Im trying to use the timline template at frontpage to show recent articles in a newspaper.

When i did update to last version, the timline template stopped to show at frontpage. I have resaved articles, sections, types and modules to try. Nothing works.

Any idea?

Hidden text

Also i wounder if there is, shuld be or will come a feature to select a spesific category with or without subcategories to show, in menu entries, in selection of what records module shuld show, or any other setting of this.

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
01 Feb 2013 00:44

I think it is because of new lines in the text. I have fixed it.

Total posts: 13,748
02 Feb 2013 10:47

New lines in text of description field. The field you set as text in template settings.

Total posts: 13,748
14 Feb 2013 06:03

Check if it is fixed in update today.

14 Feb 2013 07:23

Thanks! It works :)

14 Feb 2013 07:23

But how is it with the secound point in my orginal post? About categories

Total posts: 13,748
14 Feb 2013 07:26

You can create category links in menu as external links by copying URLs from category index.

Total posts: 13,748
14 Feb 2013 23:22

Use menu ID parameter of the category and hidden menu.

16 Feb 2013 03:10

I understand that, but:

At frontpage i want to show one list of articles in Utenriks category and one list of articles from Innenriks category. The two categorys is in the same section. They are in same section to have the ability to use Timeline template at frontpage to show articles from all categoryes.

Could you please make it possible to choose category and section and type in the records module?

Total posts: 13,748
16 Feb 2013 11:49

Made it for next version of module.

17 Feb 2013 05:33

Supert :)

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