21 Dec 2012 07:15

hello - it seems in html field i can not choose editor, currently i have jfckeditor but html field only want tinymce

-how to change fields order in back end please ?

thank you

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
21 Dec 2012 07:38

1) html editor -- I only have JCE installed .. if i type jce in the style field, it works ...


2) Reorder fields -- drag and drop -- use handle, see screenshot

Total posts: 13,748
21 Dec 2012 07:56

HTML parameter for editor fixed for next version.

21 Dec 2012 09:41

thank you very much , it seems drag and drop does not save order for me, but maybe i'am wrong

ps : amazing extension really

Total posts: 13,748
21 Dec 2012 09:46

Please make sure. Drag and refresh. I need to know exactly. If it does not save, try to look to console to network to XHR request sent and see if it has any errors in response.

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