JV-Relatives is the #1 related articles, keyword tagging and social media extension for Joomla. JV-Relatives improves Joomla SEO for your website, increases the time the user spends in your website and decreases user bounce rate. For more information, please read the detailed product description.

We are excited to announce the integration and support of JV-Relatives with Cobalt CCK. We are happy to announce that you can now show related records using JV-Relatives in Cobalt records. The integration is provided in 2 different modes.

  1. As a module
  2. As a field

Some of the features of the integration include:

  1. Select keyword source from Cobalt tags, meta keywords, AceSEF and sh404SEF.
  2. Search for related records with in the same content type as that of the displayed article or from articles of specific content types.
  3. Select the section for which you related articles to work on.
  4. You may also have different instances of modules for different sections in the respective pages.
  5. Show thumbnail image of related records from specific text field or image field.
  6. Search inside article titles.
  7. Option to fall back for related articles.
  8. Display tags in the record.
  9. Display social media buttons in the record.

Version Info: - JV-Relatives for Cobalt 5.3+ versions work for Joomla 3.x for Cobalt 8 - JV-Relatives for Cobalt 4.8 version works for Joomla 2.5.x for Cobalt 7

You may purchase JV-Relatives for Cobalt from JV-Extensions for only US $29.


09 Aug 2014
Extension Type
44/6, Singarachari street, Triplicane, Chennai, India, Niranjan SrinivasaRao

W: Website
F: Facebook
T: Twitter
G: Google+
Y: Youtube
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