New version of most advanced Joomla CCK - Cobalt 8.660

New Field

In this release we introduce new field called Related access.

This field allows to restrict access to articles based on Emerald Subscription selected in parent article.

For example you have type Course and type Lesson. You create Course and then attach Lessons to it. And you want indicate in the Course, the subscription to restrict access to Lessons.

Create selectable field (select, checkbox, radio, multiselect, listautocomplete) with SQL source in the Course(patent). Insert following query.

SELECT id, name as text FROM #__emerald_plans WHERE published = 1

Now in Lesson type(child) create related_access field. You have to select selectable field you created where you select Emerald plan, so this field knows where to look for plans.

Joomla 3.4

This update also includes important fixes for Joomla 3.4 update.


  • add - records module - new parameter to show only last added articles.
  • add - new field related access
  • fix - date formats DD/MM/YY day and month position changed.
  • improve - markup template JS code to hide user menu if it is empty.
  • fix - buttons in toolbar not working on Joomla 3.4


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