Highly rated Cobalt CCK 8.213 is here people. It is very pleasant to watch like everyone who start using Cobalt immediately fall in love with it and cant stop to express one's delight.

Discover Cobalt CCK for you and forget about complex decision what to use on your site. You need responsive support? You get it for free. You need rapid problem solving? We release updated every Thursday and all your problems(if you ever met some) surely will be fixed next update.

In Update

  • fix - cobalt - packer
  • fix - cron alert send
  • fix - cobalt - main_router only with itemstore without helper
  • fix - email - field style fix, mail text fix
  • fix - cobalt - edit/delete tags admin side
  • fix - cobalt - tags add by registered on front-end in article full view
  • komento comments adapter updated. now you can sort Cobalt articles by comment number. may start working only after new Komento version.
  • change - little change in advanced search markup. Added tooltip and icon changed.
  • fix - cobalt unique title check with quotes
  • add - article template parameters for tabs on the right, left or bottom position and use pills
  • fix - cobalt - admin template settings css textarea too big

Affected Files

  • Build Field field_cobalt.datetime.v.8.29.zip
  • Build Field field_cobalt.email.v.8.35.zip
  • Build Field field_cobalt.text.v.8.26.zip
  • Build Field field_cobalt.geo.v.8.121.zip
  • Build Comment cmt_cobalt.komento.v.8.13.zip
  • Build media pkg_cobalt.media.v.8.48.zip
  • Build Cobalt com_cobalt.v.8.213.zip
Cobalt Joomla CCK


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