27 Июнь 2013 05:37

if I understand well looking at the record default template

it is not possible to move a field AFTER a field group

so that in the record full view the field group is being displaied BEFORE one or more fields...

I dont' know how complicated this would be to obtain, but it would be useful in some cases

yes, I knwo I coudl always completely customize the template to achieve this... but if it's not complicated it would be nice to have the feature also for the default template

Последние изменения: 07 Сен 2021

Total posts: 13,748
27 Июнь 2013 05:46

This is easy.

  1. Call field you need explicitly by $item->fields_by_***

  2. In the foreach cycle add

id == 12 || $field->id == 34) continue; ?>

Where 12 and 34 are the IDs of fields you called explicitly.

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