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После 8-ми лет разработки, сбора отзывов и пожеланий, Emerald это старейшее, удивительное и уникальное решение для создания сайтов с платным доступом к статьям, видео или любым другим матералам или действиям.

Emerald has its own years proof universal algorithm to restrict ANY Joomla extension without ANY need for special integration.
And in Emerald 9 we went even further and added restriction adapters that allow fine tune restriction rules for desired extensions if the universal algorithm is not enough.

Frontend Extension

Emerald is a frontend extension. It means that you can create plans, manage subscriptions, create coupons or any other actions that is classically managed in the backend, all in the frontend.

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I know, for some people at first it may sounds weird and senseless. But let me try to convince you that this is indeed the way to go.

Just start to use it and you will love it. In few minutes you will experience that managing from the frontend is much more convenient. You do not need to jump between the backend and the frontend.

Think of the possibilities this approach opens. With proper rights management (which is the Emerald 10 roadmap) registered users will be able to create their own subscription plans and sell something on your site with their own subscriptions. This allows you to use membership site as SaaS or simply multi-vendor.

Extensive Dashboard

Extensive Dashboard

This is the place to start. It is designed for daily use.
From the dashboard you can quickly access:

  • Quick icons to manage plans, subscriptions, coupons or see analytics;
  • 10 last sales with state, user, gateway and gateway ID;
  • Subscriptions that was not activated. Sometimes user what to pay online or payment gateway verification fails. Here you can instantly activate subscription as soon as you get payment confirmation;
  • Last 30 days sale progress.


Javascript/HTML/CSS based reporting system will show you a lot of useful data.
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Flexible Plans

Emerald will let you create the most flexible subscription plans possible.
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  • Lines - Progress of the sales total;
  • Lines - Progress of the sales by plans or plans group;
  • Pie - Total sales by plans or groups;
  • Pie - Total sales counts by plans or groups;
  • Pie - Sales by plans or groups for given period;
  • Pie - Sales counts by plans or groups for given period;
  • And more.

Also note that there is Google Analytics action that will track all your sales and you can use Google analytics not only to report on you sales, but also compare it to whew ere user clic, from what country, how long user stay, and so on.

Flexible Plans
Flexible period set

Set periods like 1 month or 2 years. Also you can set exact start and end dates. Or set something like Till the end of this month.


Limit how many time this subscription can be purchased in total or per user, or per user in a given period of time. You can also limit how many times this subscription can be used with different calculation modes.


Every plan's group has a template parameter. You can set different templates for different groups. You can even create a custom template and it will be preserved on Emerald update.

Other plan options:
  • Set discount for first plan purchase;
  • Create zero (0.00) price subscription plans;
  • Group plans into groups;
  • Make plans invisible but still active;
  • Set success purchase landing page;
  • Grant (give for free one time) a created plan to all users, or grant it to only those who register after the day of the plan creation;
  • Set email alert text for successful, failed subscription creation or subsection cancellation and expiry.


Actions are small Emerald plugins that may trigger some code on subscription successful activation and on deactivation or expire. You can add as many actions to a subscription plan as you want.

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The following actions will work right out of the box and are available to purchase at a very low price.
User Group Move a user to a desired group in Joomla. Note that subscription plans are already considered as user groups. You need this action only if you use Joomla core ACL to add additional restrictions.
SQL Query Runs custom SQL queries on subscription activate and deactivate events.
AMIGOS Integrates with AMIGOS Affiliate Tracking
iDevAffiliate Integrates with iDevAffiliate
Google Analytics Add tracking code and let Google Analytics register goal and amount paid. Then you will see your sale reports in Google Analytics
Hook URL Send POST request to a given URL with purchase details.
Custom JavaScript Any piece of javascript code. There are a lot of applications that integrate by simply placing JS code on the page.
Smartreponder Integration with Smartresponder that allows you to subscribe the user to a newsletter on successful purchase.
Hikashop Allows you to sell subscriptions as a products through the Hikashop cart.
K2 group Change K2 user group.

Payment Gateways

With Emerald you get one free offline payment gateway. This gateway simply creates an inactive subscription, sends email to you and email to the customer with offline payment instructions like bank account details for wire transfer, address to send cheque or details for WesternUnion. Then you manually activate the subscription when funds are received.

Emerald is integrated with the most popular payment gateways like:

  • PayPal;
  • 2Checkout;
  • Authorize.net;
  • Worldpay (with futurepay);
  • Skrill (former moneybookers);
  • Google checkout;
  • VCS (Virtual Card Service).
  • PayFast.

For Russian customers special set of gateways:

  • RBK;
  • Webmoney;
  • Interkassa;
  • Robokassa;
  • Kazkom.


Emerald all it's plugins, gateways, actions and restriction adapters have language files for translation. Wee took care that every string got there. Even email alerts for plans can be translated through the Joomla language overrides system.

In addition you can use the great Transifex service to translate it into your own language. Here is the emerald Transifex project. Join, create your language if it doesn't exist and translate.

Solid Cobalt 8 Integration

This will allow you everything you can imagine. Restrict article submission, editing, extending, making featured, view or display. Restrict just some fields from submission, edit, view or display. Some fields have additional integration to protect downloads, picture views or video stream.

Or use drip content Cobalt field to release articles based on schedule or homework confirmation.

Emerald + Cobalt = Ultimate membership solution.

Cross Planning

Cross planning is a unique mechanism with advanced logic but made so simple you will quickly understand.

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Affect the price of the current plan depending on plans the user had already purchased;
Require other plans to be purchased before purchasing the current plan;
Grant (give for free) other plans upon the current plan's successful purchase;
Deactivate subscriptions of other plans upon current plan success purchase;
Calculate the current plan start day depending on other plans that have already been purchased.

You won't find these awesome features in any other membership extension.

How it works

How it works

After installing and configuring the component any user who tries to read a commercial article or instigate a protected action like submit an item without proper registration or without having an appropriate active subscription will be prompted with a login form.

After the login the user will be redirected to the article if they have the appropriate subscription plan. Otherwise they will be prompted with the option to purchase a subscription plan. In turn, if the user purchases the subscription then they will gain access to the article.

MUA (Multiple User Access)

This amazing enterprise feature allows users to share purchased subscription with limited number of other users. For example a company can purchase a plan but they want their staff to get access to restricted content each one under their own accounts but using same subscription.

Other Important Highlights

  • View article intro but protect full view for core Joomla articles restrictions;
  • After successful purchase land the user to the page he was trying to access;
  • Subscription history for members to check their subscription status;
  • Invoice generator for purchased subscriptions;
  • Create subscription manually;
  • Every plan may have its own set of payment gateways with different settings.


Very flexible discount coupon system.

  • Create percentage discount coupons;
  • Create fixed amount discount coupons;
  • Create gift certificates for fixed amounts;
  • Bind coupons to plans;
  • Bind coupons to users;
  • Limit coupons total time to be used;
  • Limit coupons times to be used per user;
  • Batch coupons generation;
  • Set coupon automatic expiration date;
  • Set coupon availability start date.

Did I miss anything?

Subscription during registration

Emerald has most flawless subscription process during registration. One click subscription solution.
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Emerald 9 has brand new feature to subscribe during registration. Traditionally Emerald had no such a feature, but if we do something, we do the best. Read configuration instruction.

  • Independent of means of registration - Emerald does not handle registration. It is integrated with other registration components. Register through standard Joomla registration form, EasySocial, JomSocial coming soon, Community Builder coming soon. You can use your favorite registration/profile extension and still have this feature;
  • Automatic user account confirmation - Emerald may automatically confirm user account on success payment even before user confirmed his email address;
  • Auto login - If user account confirmed, Emerald may automatically login user upon return from payment gateway;
  • Keep accounts - Emerald will not delete user account after subscription expires. It will simply turn it into require new subscription state;
  • Multiple plans - Although user select only one plan during registration, later he may add another plans too. No need to register another account or change plan. Subscribe to unlimited plans simultaneously;
  • Scam protection - Emerald will not allow user to continue until subscription is purchased;


We do not have one :) Not because we do not want to further develop but because we have analyzed all other Joomla membership extensions, and although it was hard to find something that Emerald does not have, we compiled all those features and pulled them into Emerald 9.
And now we are completely out of ideas. I mean there is always something to add here and there even tiny features, but those are not a subject for a road map.

Anyway you are welcome to suggest your ideas and see how soon we can create a new road map to make Emerald even better.